I would be very interested to know if anyone has had any targeting from the police. Son in particular but also his wife are targeted by the police and this has gone on for some years. They simply don't seem to understand that people with a LD can be happily married, have a child and live with family permanently for support. It's intrusive and frankly I have had enough. Neither have ever committed a crime. I know for a fact that our police force do not have any LD policies but they are very good at harassment!
Police targeting those with a learning disability - Mencap
Police targeting those with a learning disability

As a person with a LD, I have had very good support from the police in the past.
we have had excellent support from police for our LD daughter. Not impressed in other areas but for her they’ve been beyond reproach.
Personal question but you don't have to answer if you don't want to but are social services involved? Is it because of something that's happened that you could step in and help with ? I do believe they overstep the mark sometimes and the police aren't really supposed to be getting involved with family affairs that's ss job.
Hi I’m not aware of anything but I would speak to your local Mencap and discuss this with them and your local council help point and your M.P. And even the carers association might be able to help. There are also a voluntary community service again they maybe able to advise you of where to go and who to talk to. Good luck
Thank you so much. MP is absolutely hopeless but who knows, we might be in for a change soon. Local Mencap is a good idea. Didn't realise there was a local contact but I will pursue. Carer's association is a good idea worth pursuing too. We have a very good social worker on board so that is council but thank you very much for the suggestions.
Your local district council do a lot in the community trying to engage with LD community and doing discos etc so they’re separate from county council. The main mencap helpline can advise on your local contact and another thing Ive thought of is the mediation services check them out as they could be really good.