Hi, my family of 6 have been isolating for a year in order to protect my 15 year old who has severe global developmental delay and physical disabilities. She is gastro fed, non verbal, wheelchair bound. We have cancelled all care in the home. Her siblings are suffering, I do all care alone. Her consultant wants her to have the vaccine but cannot write a letter. John Van Tam said twice on the tv that children can be vaccinated if the doctor agrees, but there is too much red tape to make this happen. I’m scared when the siblings return to school. I have to keep them all separated from each other. Can you help?
Vaccination for 15 year old with severe needs - Mencap
Vaccination for 15 year old with severe needs

Hello Kmtm
You are doing an amazing job keeping your family safe.
Trials for the vaccine in children have only just begun, so it’s generally not recommended for children under 16.
This may change once more adults have been vaccinated. Vaccine trials will include children, but a vaccine for children isn't going to be available for quite some time.
There are few other families who have posted on similar subjects. Here is one -
It must be very hard for you and your family at the moment. A few ideas -
> are you registered as a carer with your GP - please do as it will make sure you get your vaccine as early as possible as carers are in group 6.
> have you heard of the SIBs charity. It offers support to siblings. Here is a link - sibs.org.uk/supporting-youn... It may be worth a look.
I hope this helps a little.
Best wishes

Good Morning,
Have you seen the information I have put up today which is a bit wordy and jargon worded but it breaks down why they are not vaccinating children at the moment.
I see Sarah has also offered some great advice. It's so difficult as parents we just want to protect our children.
Speaking to your GP and Health Visitor you can relay why you think she needs the vaccination.
Lyndsey M