Hey guys. So that’s what we are looking at. Orthopedic oncologist just wants to take the damn thing out. He has about 4cm of radial bone involvement that is making his right arm unusable. His PET scan was great besides that area. No other organ involvement. Still sustained to that area. Interestingly we think there is either a node in his tricep area that is lighting up or he may be a rare case where there is muscle involvement. Hoping for node - so we can just take that out too. But has anyone heard of this before? I have never seen it. I was amazed and shocked at this appointment
Radical resection of radius bone - Melanoma Caregivers
Radical resection of radius bone

well it’s great that the problem is localized in only one place . And surgery , though not easy , is an option. That sounds like good news too. wishing you guys all the best !

This is outside of my experience. Thanks did allowing us to learn beside you. What does surgeon anticipate impact of surgery to be? How will function be impacted and what does recovery and rehab look like ? What if he does no surgery? Snd is radiation exhausted at this location for effective intervention?And when is the wedding😉
The surgeon said that the pain will go away or significantly lessen. The location of the bone met is at the top of the radial head and has gone down the shaft at least 4 cm; sitting right next to PIN nerve that is likely causing the pain to radiate from shoulder to wrist. Taking that bone out will decompress the nerve. I haven’t figured out if they are putting anything in its place or just going to secure it with pins to the Ulna. Recovery looks like about 4-6 weeks; but the pain will be nothing like what he’s going through now. He’s already in a sling and has many different braces.
Our wedding is September 4th! And we are steaming ahead on planning. This surgery won’t stop us.
If he has no surgery - then we would likely continue to do systemic treatment. Oncologist was looking into a clinical trial and possibly re radiating.
It’s all super new and shocking to us too. I didn’t know this was an option. I as well am learning and asking 1,000 questions!