Hi everyone my name is Christina in New York and I would like to share with you the story of my husband’s journey with stage four melanoma. I would like to get into the specifics of how he went from nine metastatic melanoma brain tumors to brain remission in four months which is pretty remarkable I would like to share with you his path and what I can do to help you overcome the same obstacles that Jim overcame there is a lot to it but let me tell you if you have a will you have a way don’t listen to what the doctors tell you take matters into your own hands just how I did for Jim If you were in the New York area I would love to get a bunch of people together and give a speech if not please message me or I can continue to write on here what I have to say is very important again Jim went into brain remission and four months from nine brain melanoma brain lesions And it is my job to help the world through Jim’s case and help other people overcome this through him and his success
Husband - Jim stage 4 melanoma (how he... - Melanoma Caregivers
Husband - Jim stage 4 melanoma (how he got in remission)

I live in Maryland but desperately need a hopeful story.. can you share??
Hi Kelly! Firstly, i would love to provide you hopeful stories to keep your weak days strong, and your breakdowns breakthroughs. Your part in this path with your significant other is crucial, you go thru so many different emotions everyday and at the end of the day, even when you don't feel strong, you are. Remember that. My significant other was diagnosed with 9 metastatic brain lesions like i mentioned previously.. He was treated at memorial sloan kettering, he was the first to start a trail of a combo between gamma knife radiation and immunotherpay (optivo and Nivibulab). I'll tell you why this worked so well. The gamma knife radiation to the brain created damaged radiated cells around the tumors in his brain, the immunotherapy jacked up his immune system to notice the "radiated" cells and led the immune system to the radiated cell which was around the cancer, its like leading a horse to water,
firstly i would inquire about doing both therapies at the same time, if he if a candidate for it (being it has the spot in his lung) Im assuming the lung spot is not operable?
Second off, his diet needs to change immensely.. no proceeded meats, all organic fruits and veggies as much as possible.. it is alot of work, time , effort and money to completely change your lifestyle but if there is a will, there is a way.
Also, oxygen - cancer cant survive with too much oxygen, it starves to death. Make sure you buy oxygen drops and add to water everyday, (especially this is in his lung, so oxygen levels increases would benefit him even more) here is a link to the oxygen drops (liquid oxygen) - amazon.in/Liquid-oxygen-Sta..... the doctors will treat the existing cancer spots, but they do not treat the cells from manufacturing abnormal cells again.. it's up to us as humans to make sure we are not deficient in any mineral, vitamin and amino acids so going forward, the cells can produce normalcy again and not go haywire and reproduce incorrectly due to lack of nutrition. Im sorry if im going off in a million different directions here, i want to make sure i tell you as mcuh as possible, i would also love if i can give you my number or privately message each other to continue talking , there are more things i can get into in private.
but they key factors here are below -
1) inquire about radiation with immunotherapy
2) strip all meats from diet, organic juices every day (Gurson therapy look up)
3) liquid oxygen (9 drops in every water)
4) go buy PH strips and make sure the water he drinks is not to acidic, (ph level of 7.5-8.5)
to get to the good point, bydoing all of the above, my significant other was one of the fastest patients to become in remission from 9 brain lesions in 4 months.
Focus and research. You are in this with him and you can make a huge difference for him by all of the above, im on board with all the support you need, from one stage 4 melanoma care taker to the next. he will WIN THIS FIGHT
Christine, I'm so glad that your partner has had such wonderful results from treatment and the additional care you have included.
It's awesome to share what we all have experienced, and tried, and where there may be more resources to consider because research is moving so quickly. There are also things that individuals may try that are not really supported in the research for melanoma (and maybe the word to add here is "yet"), and there are things that research has demonstrated have actually caused harm to patients.
We try in this forum to encourage one another while recognizing that as caregivers we know a lot, but are not qualified to give individualized medical advice.
Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital in NYC is known as a premier cancer treatment center, and includes melanoma as a treatment and research focus. Not everyone can benefit from any single approach with melanoma, because the tumor location, size, genetic profile, general health of the individual, V-series, etc. all provide guidance in treatment options. But even with the best matches of the known/emerging science and use of hope/prayer/tenacity/ willingness to risk, adjunct food/sleep and exercise, we know that statistics are not an individual. Guidance and decision making for treatment seem to combine the science, statistics, clinical experience of the providers, patient preferences, and yet outcomes occur on an individual basis.
I rejoice in each positive step any of us or our loved ones have, any extension of time that is wanted and beneficial. I'm so grateful that my husband has been alive for the explosion of options that were not even in the testing phase less than 10 years ago. Not everyone on this HealthUnlocked site has even had those options. Several have experienced the awful conclusion of living with cancer in the death of their beloved child/partner/parent.
Thank you for sharing what combinations have been working for your situation. I guess I just want to make room for the reality that not everyone will get to NED, and not everyone who gets to NED (no evidence of disease) maintains that status forever. More and more folks are, but melanoma is still a cancer that has a long way to go for all of us to experience a full recovery.
I’m fully aware I’m not a doctor or qualified to give medicinal advice but the point of this forum is to share your experience and path with others to instill hope and comfort, which is exactly what I’m doing, especially in situations where doctors leave most patients hopeless.
Again, by no means am I a medical professional but at the end of the day, I do know how corrupt the industry is and if you do not become your own advocate, it can only hurt you and not help you.
Yes everyone is their own individual which requires a different plan based off of a medical professional, but there Is no harm and no foul in letting me share my story on simple small lifestyle changes that can go along way, based off of experience and knowledge.
At the end of the day, we are all one human race, it does not hurt for a care giver to speak up respectfully and inquire about the success rates of other patients in clinical trials, it’s a very emotionally sensitive time for everyone living the life for their loved one and themselves..
Just want to be clear , I’m sharing my story on what worked for him, as an individual to help others educate themselves on newer trials have have a more positive outcome, im sure everyone on this site understands I’m not qualified to give medical advice, but i am qualified to instill hope, knowledge and information on what can help someone or something they can talk to their doctors about to get more information.
Thank you
Hi Christina, I am new to the group but so encouraged to read about your partner's success!! Thank you for sharing all the info. I am encouraged by his journey...my husband was dx last year with melanoma stage 2b at Sloan and had surgery there. Last month he developed changes in a mole and now it is melanoma. We go back next week to find out the next steps. Not sure if this is a reoccurrence or a new primary...all this is so scary. Just wish there were more cures than percentages. I am definitely going to look into the oxygenated water and the other ideas you wrote about. Thanks again for giving us hope!!!!!