Hello, has anyone had success feeling better with nicotine patches?
Nicotine patches : Hello, has anyone... - Myalgic Encephalo...
Nicotine patches

N i c o t i n e g u m, still working, approximately 3 weeks. Acts as a rescue medicine, works immediately. Job saving. I would like to know how this gum could increase cognition, improve executive function, eliminate tremor, improve alertness, improve speech and speed and no doc ever mentioned it to us. Seems to act as a stimulant and a calming agent. How? Creates stability for a few hours, one piece. Stage 2 trials? Keto, gum, exercise and Lev/Carb
What are you taking the nicotine patches for, if you don't mind me asking?
Hi there, I have written this question in regards to long coivd and cfs/m.e. A study has shown nicotine to have 30 times the affinity to displace coivd from receptor sites. And could be true for other viral things. I'm on my 3rd day and I can see a big shift and wondered what other people's experiences are
Okay. Do you have the link to the study?
I was concerned as I have ME - relapsing / remitting variety - for many years after viral infection. For a couple of years I found coffee helped me to carry on working part-time with days in between spent recovering, however, in the end I crashed badly and haven't recovered. As someone with ME I was working beyond my physical capacity and it took its toll. I thought perhaps you were using the nicotine in similar capacity as a stimulant.
Never heard of any study suggesting it is possible to displace a virus let alone from nicotine, which is addictive.
"Feeling better" and actually improved health are not the same, especially if temporary relief might cause longer term problems. Having had ME for over 30 years I have unfortunately seen many 'treatments' not being effective in the long term.
Hi Sammy, are you still using the patch? I started almost 4 weeks ago, and it's been a miracle for me. I feel like i did 6 years ago. I have a long way to go in getting back into shape. Have lost a ton of strength and endurance in those years. But at least i feel ready to tackle it all. The very first day, on a half patch, i suddenly decided to move the fridge, cleaning behind and under it and then thoroughly clean the whole kitchen floor. If you've felt like i have felt, you know that was an impossible thought! I would love to hear how your experience has gone.