I’m reaching out to check if anyone else has noticed an increase in depression symptoms this month. I can feel a change in the atmosphere because fall is near.
Anybody?: I’m reaching out to check if... - Major Depressive ...
I'm not sure if I noticed more. I did have a bad episode recently. I do believe that a lot of things can effect our moods. Shorter days, blue moons ( one this month) planets lineup, heat+ humidity, cold all add to everyday stresses.
Yeah...the winter effects me....we have long cold winters and I have arthritis, so with the constant cold and darkness it does make my depression feel worse when I'm on the down side of this thing. I was reading through that the increased rate in depression has skyrocketed over this last couple of years, people who were mildly and occasionally a bit depressed , are now chronically deeply depressed...it's hard for me to deal with the chaos around us in the world right now... and I don't bury my head in the sand, I want to be aware, but I need balance too....so.... I paint, watch movies, look at the fish in the pond, enjoy our beautiful garden, talk with my partner, pet my cat who is my little buddy, and do my best to decompress. Some days I just take a break and let the world spin and stay off the internet, which is a great tool...but also can be very manipulative and detrimental...take what you read with a grain of salt.
Not yet. I live in the desert for a reason, lol. I hate that sense of impending doom that comes from any sign of winter approaching. We don't really do seasons in the desert, just a brief "omg its freezing, and we do get down to freezing at times, including a brief snow or two, but then its spring and summer again.I have learned to find things to help me look forward to winter, like boots and coats I can't wait to make the most of before its warm and hot again.
I have definitely noticed a change in my depression this week. My major depressive episodes always seem to start close to September. I just want to sleep and not have to deal with the world right now.
I’m having a real hard time this month, but a lot is going on too. I’m not in any meds which isn’t helping either. There is a lot going on with weather and the world in general to bring anybody down, but add severe depression and/or anxiety and its been really rough!
Yup. Winter is just around the corner for me way up north here. I dread the long, dark days the most. Soooo depressing. Day by day and sometimes even just hour by hour. Keep on keepin' on!
Hi I feel the same! Every time around August I physically feel the shift in my body and mind that we’re coming into the fall/winter season. I have felt this way all my life. I remember my mom commenting about my irritability increasing every year around this time believing it was anxiety about school starting again. However now that I have been out of school I still have increased anxiety and irritability so it is not school.
I’m glad that you shared your post as I feel the same way and can relate