WEEKLY CHAT 9-15 OCTOBER ☕️ 🫖 🛋️ - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

Fun Beyond 10K & Race Support

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Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon
85 Replies

Hello fabulous running people. How’s your week been? This is the place to pull up a comfy chair, grab a drink and settle down to join the chat and share your news and updates.

Well, we have a new marathon record. It’s a huge achievement and you wonder where these records will go next. Have you seen the length of Kevin Kiptum’s legs?!!! I just can’t fathom how fast these elites can run. It’s mind-boggling.

Huge congratulations to Kevin Kiptum although I still think Eliud Kipchoge’s unofficial 1:59:40 stands as the record to beat though 🙂

Back to reality for us mere mortals and I can kick off with my running update. For once, I haven’t got much to say this week 🙀 I know, I know! It’s shocking 😂 I’m still doing run/walk, my hip niggle has almost disappeared and my new orthotics haven’t given me any bother so it’s all good. I’m increasing very very slowly and while it can be frustrating I know it’s the right thing to do. I must say that the nine minute intervals I did on Saturday felt like proper running and I did a whole thirty minutes in total 🤗 Whee hee 🥳 I’m heading out to do 10 minute intervals soon…

Of course I’m itching to go further and be able to head out for my long, slow runs again but these will come in time and in the meantime I’ll be good 😇

How about you? Tell us where you are with your running and what you’ve been up to. The good news, the not so good news, whatever. Your VRBs understand!

Whatever you do have a great week everyone.

From The Team xxx


🎽If you have an event in October and would like a pompom shout out on the Friday beforehand then click below:


🏅If you have run any of these distances you can claim a shiny new badge:

10 miles, Half Marathon, Metric Marathon (26.2K), Marathon, Ultra (50K and beyond)


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Irishprincess profile image
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85 Replies
Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon

After months of saying I was NOT going to do the Cambridge HM next year, when the cut off to sign up came around, I found myself changing my mind!! I've been following the NRC HM plan since Spring this year, it was all going well when it just suddenly fell apart, with me suffering severe fatigue (again) and being unable to complete the longer runs, or indeed, even the shorter ones. I did one 16KM run, then just couldn't even manage 3 KM....very frustrating for some who has been running for nearly ten years.

So, I've changed the way I take my thyroid medication and it has made a massive difference. I decided if I could manage 14 - 16 KM before the cut off I would sign up... 50% off for volunteering last time helped a bit too!! I had hoped to run all the way, but I've kinda shelved that, and recently I've been running as far as I can, then taking a little walk break, rather than a more structured run/walk approach.

I'm still using the NRC podcasts, but I think one very long run per week is too much for me, so I intend to finish all the runs in the plan, but space the long ones out a bit, maybe one a fortnight. I also plan to have a very long taper.

The race is March next year, so I've got time to get to HM distance, or near it, over the coming weeks, then take a step back before the race.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Curlygurly2

That all sounds like a great plan CG and I wish you well with your training.

Flexibility is key for all of us and you have clearly worked out what suits you and what doesn’t. How many times is it now that you’ve done Cambridge?

Curlygurly2 profile image
Curlygurly2Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Twice, both times on 2 min/1 min run walk, I've volunteered more often than I've run it - 5 times, I know by the collection of brightly coloured volunteer jackets I've got! They look after their volunteers well, half price entry was hard to turn down!

Unfortunately, my problem seems to go round in cycles, and it's easy for me to get exhausted, in fact my nurse friend who understands my condition and knows me well said I shouldn't do it, it would be too much for me. I'm just going to have to hope I'm having a good day when the race comes round!

RunWillie profile image

Hi Irishprincess & other VRB’s,

So pleased to hear your run/walk intervals are going well. That’s brilliant you’re back out there.

I took a break from my plan whilst the boys were on school holidays but they went back today. I did a 15km run today in just under the new Men’s Marathon record 🤣

The plan is still to get to metric before the Summer heat hits.

Happy week everyone ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

Today’s run
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

Those blue skies are gorgeous RW but I must say that we’ve had similar the last few days! I actually got a bit sunburned yesterday in the garden, first time that’s happened in October in this country 😎

With your mileage you’ll hit that MM no problem. Your shiny badge awaits…. 🏅

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Thanks Irishprincess 😍

I got married 17 years ago in October on a beautiful sunny day in London ❤️

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

What lovely memories 😍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

Looks like you are well on your way RW. Was this your 7:30/k easy pace….which I am still using for 12k plus build up runs?

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I’ve moved up Daniels’ running VDOT chart so my current easy pace range is now 6:55-7:41.

Yesterday’s average was 7:24 & today’s 7 miler was 7:36 so on target 👍🏻

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

That works for me too; I have been pushing up to 7.15 and even 7.10….my legs are ok, but my heart rate tells me that it is a bit too much for now. 12k Monday will be slower.

RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

So good that you’re back doing longer runs. I never worry about hitting a certain pace on my easy runs. The pace guide is to ensure I’m not running too fast. I don’t mind being slower on easy days. I only mind about pace at ParkRun 🤣

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to RunWillie

I am doing intervals on short runs; I find that I like them now. A taste of speed without overdoing it. At some point I may get back to quicker 5ks, but not a big deal. Injury is the enemy at my age; I sink further faster than I used to !🙂

Cmoi profile image

Morning Irishprincess , thanks for hosting. So pleased your running is coming together again, you really deserve some good fortune after all this time.

I'm still wanging on about and struggling with the weather, as the Indian summer is continuing, with afternoon temperatures around 28°-32°C. Nonetheless I've been running a little more - let's face it, I could hardly have been doing much less. So did 13k the other day, a solo 4k, and 6k with the training aid - see photo!

In a recent post MissUnderstanding mentioned the Proviz sale, with up to 70% off. So I decided that as it was my birthday last week, the hunting season is underway and the days are getting shorter, it was the perfect time to buy myself a whole bunch of hi-vis and reflective gear. All that remains now is for it to arrive and for me to wear it. 😇

With that in mind, I really should go for a run... 😉 Have a rewarding running week, all!

Jedi pretending he's a proper canicross dog
Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Aw what a cutie training aid you have there 😍 How does he manage in the heat?

28-32 is still too hot for me so you did really well with three runs, especially the 13K!

I do not, do not need any more running gear so how come I had a sneaky look at the Sweaty Betty sale a few weeks ago? I didn’t buy anything 😇 but still, I shouldn't have even looked.

Enjoy your new kit Cmoi and here’s to cooler climes for you soon x

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Oh I can't run in 28°-32° either (except when I had to earlier in the year because it was better than 40+°🙄) and it was actually cloudy when I did the 13k.

I don't run with Jedi if it's warm; too risky. He's too easily distracted and too powerful for me to be able to run seriously with him anyway, but it's fun to do the odd bit of can't-i-cross with him.

Went out far too late today, probably around 25° when I got back. Just over 6k of almost solely forest trails. Strava says 192m vertical, Garmin claims 248m but that's nonsense, it's not that steep.

Big shout-out to the utter balloon who made an idiotic bleating noise through his car window just as I was turning back from the road onto the forest path. If it was supposed to be encouraging, appreciative or funny it wasn't. Top tip: stfu.

I have no real excuse for buying as much as I did. Will be attempting to salve my buying guilt by having yet another sort-out for charity!

Weather forecast suggests it might rain this weekend. We certainly need it.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Some people are just very stupid 😡

Bring on the rain for you. It’s very foggy here this morning and I can’t see the bottom of the garden.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

If it’s any consolation, I have my own kit order from Proviz on the way. I tell myself it’s safety gear so that’s obviously ok to spend on… practically required in fact. Since it was also your birthday, totally justified! Mine is arriving tomorrow I hope!

 Irishprincess I was not so restrained in the SB sale. I bought a pair of leggings for my sister’s birthday but when they arrived, I liked them so much I kept them!! I did end up getting my sister something I think she’ll like even more so maybe there’s something virtuous in that? 😇

Jedi looks extra handsome in that picture! ❤️

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Jedi says waffawrrffwooofff MissUnderstanding which I'm sure you can translate! He had his cute paws on the other day, so actually sat nicely for the photo for once. And at some points he even broke into his enthusiastic trot, which is perfect when I want to run a bit faster. I can't let him run properly as there's no way I could ever keep up, being the antithesis of Kelvin Kiptum!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to MissUnderstanding

Haha I love it! I have a few items that I originally bought for someone else and are now owned by me 😂

Enjoy your SB leggings 🏃‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

Keep your head down when the lead starts flying Cmoi! Happily deer and wild boar don’t come in fluorescent colours!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

You're right about the fluo colours Beachcomber66 ! I never knowingly run near where they're hunting, it's not worth it, especially if they're out in a group beating for deer or wild boar. While that means that sometimes I have to change my routes and/or run on roads rather than on trails, that's not a big deal - after all, it's not as though I plan my routes anyway!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Cmoi

🙂 just keep safe 👍

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Cmoi

Ooh how exciting. I bought a couple of proviz long sleeve tops a few years ago and love them, even though I don’t really run in the dark .

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy5 ! I don't run much in the dark but I do run on unlit, winding, narrow, often hilly country roads without pavements, as well as in the forest, so need to be visible.

Course, the real reason is that with 70% off it'd have been rude not to!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Cmoi

So true!

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Dexy5


cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Morning IP! That’s such good news; hopefully you’ll be out running amongst the autumn colours soon - not that it feels much like autumn round these parts! 🍁🍃🍂🥵

I’m busy entering races for next year. I only have one left in 2023 and I need things to look forward to. My calendar is filling up nicely, as is my bling hanger which will officially be full after the GSR at the weekend. A nice problem to have. 😀

My training is still pretty pathetic though. I know me too well, and if I don’t enjoy something I won’t do it (which is why I love sticking to running slowly). I know I need to do leg exercises to strengthen them - but I haven’t. Simples. Feel free to chastise me. 😅

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I’m in no position to chastise anyone Munks. I’m the person who let her exercises lapse and then went hell-for-leather with them and ending up with a hip injury 🙄

The weather is glorious and quite hot. The autumn colours will be strong this year and they are just starting to turn 🍁

I think you need another medal hanger by the sound of it. You don’t want the weight of the next bit of bling to pull the whole hanger down 🙀🙂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I have a medal hanger on my Santa list IP! I’m hoping that one of my family might take the hint. An easy present to give, as I’ll be thrilled with it, guaranteed!

I think a pop over to the Arboretum is in order soon. It’s the best place to see the colours in my opinion. 😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Fingers crossed that Santa is listening 🤞

The colours are starting to turn in the arboretum. Don’t forget you have to book in advance atm until 12 November. If you fancy a meet-up then let me know ☕️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

I only do leg exercises when I have a relevant injury….slow running is my answer too, although the intervals are picking up a bit🤫. I do a search for any lumps appearing in my calves and hit them with the spiky massage ball; I find that much more effective than rollers.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I wondered whether strengthening my quads would help with my longer runs BC. I had no trouble cardio-wise at the Cardiff HM, just those pesky quad muscles threatening to seize up after 13.5k. They didn’t because I gave them walking breaks towards the end. I know I only have myself to blame of course. 🙄

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Apart from a bit of stiffness after some hill intervals, I don’t think that I have ever had quad issues 🤞🤞🤞🤞. Maybe my swimming helps. Calves have always been my achilles heel …..if you see what I mean 🙄

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I do indeed. You have Achilles calves, I have Achilles quads! 😅

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I have an image in my head now BC of you violently thrashing your calves with a spiky ball 🤣🤣

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

🤣 I am not quite that crazy. Sitting on the floor and rolling the ball around with my calf is usually enough, but tough spots involved pushing the ball into my calf with my hand; all as instructed by physio.👍

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Beachcomber66

Ooh self inflicted agony. My sports masseur found a knot in my calf and boy it hurt. But I hope that it has cleared a problem.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Just about to carry out a calf check! I try to keep on top of them these days…..when they get the point of needing a physio I know that I am in for eye watering pain! Good job done 👍

misswobble profile image

I had to rub my eyes when I saw his time 😳. 2 hours and a bit and his marathon is done and dusted. Cuh 🙄. Easy peasy😁

Glad you’re running and getting some speed work in 😀🏃‍♀️👍

I did a 15.5 mile slow run yesterday Really warm and no breeze 🏃‍♀️🌝😎. Bit too hot but no complaints 🙂 Apart from blisters and an Achilles twang 🙈

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Their times are just unbelievable aren’t they? Kevin hit 10K in 28.42!!! I’d love to see the elites run in real life as I’m sure they would be like those cartoon characters 😂

A 15.5 mile run is awesome, just like you 💪

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

I bet we’d be blown away at how fast they are 🙂

Back out tomorrow for a trot round 🏃‍♀️🙂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to misswobble

Achilles issues take a bit if shifting don’t they! Bit if a design fault if you ask me. Mine is a bit sore after long runs but seems to fix itself by the next day 🤞🤞🤞🤞

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I walked up and down to the shops twice today which helped stretch me out a bit. I also did some calf stretches

I’m running tomorrow but not very far 🏃‍♀️

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Hi IP. Great to see that your comeback is well and truly underway; very sensible (how hard is that!) to avoid pushing too hard.

The temperature was 18/20c up in the woods. Definitely a one shirt day. Monday is long run day; a second NRC 10k. I ended up running a whole minute and nine seconds slower than last week so, initially, I was a bit disappointed at my lack of progress. My post match analysis over a cuppa in company with Mrs BC and Molly (sausage day!) cheered me up. This week’s run was an 88m elevation gain v 82m last week, my AHR was 10bpm lower today and only 30% was in zone 5 as opposed to 74% last week. All in all, a better training run today, or that is my story! 7:15/k for a 10k training run is definitely fast enough for this mature athlete! Have a great week everyone.🙂

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Quicker than mine BC. You’re doing great! Hope Molly enjoyed her sausage. 😋

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

She was delighted! Now having a pre sleep nap!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

We all need those! 😅

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Aw dogs. Don’t you just love em 🥰

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Gosh, yes. Isn’t it hard to be sensible sometimes. I just want to head out and run for miles but I know that would be beyond stupid.

Your run sounds fab BC. In the woods, lovely pace, 10K covered, heart ok, elevation gain, tick tick, and then a cuppa afterwards. Even better. I would say you had a very successful run there 👍

Here’s to running success for all of us 🙂

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

Time your aches and pains disappeared IP. You have had a tough time. Sounds as though you are on the right track now 🤞🤞🤞🤞

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon

Hello IP. Glad to hear that your return to running is going well and just in time for the cooler weather. I am still doing the exercises to try to sort out my piriformis and to build up some muscle strength but running is minimal. I did a 6k run with my club on Thursday evening, but nothing since. Partly I blame a pre Oz visit to my mum and dad this week. I’ll do my club run again on Thursday, then it’s GSR on Sunday and physio next Tuesday before we fly on Wednesday. Just praying I get through Sunday unscathed 😬

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

You’ve got a lot of experienced miles in your legs Sandie so you’ll be fine on Sunday I’m sure. Anyway, all those VRBs will carry you with them over the finish line 🥰

I hope the piriformis issue settles down and good luck for the GSR 🍀

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I am so looking forward to seeing the gang at the weekend. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away! I’ve just been offered a physio cancellation on Thursday too 😃😃😃

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

👍 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to Sandie1961

Don’t you just love those cancellations? Perfectly timed Sandie

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Absolutely 👍 I’m sure Debs will do everything she can to get me race ready!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

You will enjoy the weekend regardless. You are too wise to keep going to the point of making things much worse…just like me 🤥. If will power is enough, you will be fine.

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

The weekend is going to be epic 😆 I had been wavering, but I think if I become a spectator rather than run it, I’ll regret it, so I’ll take a leaf out of your book and be sensible 🤪 Just been offered a physio cancellation on Thursday, which is fab!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Sandie1961

Good. A friend had a frozen glute and had some savage physio on it a week before the GNR. She said that it really hurt (sorry!) but she managed to run/walk the race and pick up her bling. Whatever happens you will have a great time.👍

Sandie1961 profile image
Sandie1961Half Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I’ll take 20 mins of pain if it helps me get round 😖

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

I seem to have missed your 1st weekly chat but here I am. I had a bit of a scary couple of week as I had to abort a few runs due to knee problems . I emailed my physio practice with a plea for help as the Great South Run was looming. That day I had a phone call- someone has cancelled, and the lovely Lisa, bumped me up the queue. Massage and ultrasound applied and a few days later I was able to run 5k. I have since had a sports massage, which I hope has sorted tight piriformis, hamstrings and calves. So just a couple of tapering runs to do before the big day. I am now happy to start, without worrying about making things worse, but will be taking it slowly. Phew. Must buy chocolates for Lisa.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Lisa is worth her weight in gold ! I will be willing you all on.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Phew, that’s a relief Dexy! These things always seem to pop up close to a race.

Good for Lisa and all her kind. Where would we be without them?

You're all set by the sound of it and it’ll be a grand day with your VRBs 😍

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

I hate them Cmoi , but my shocking (read that as zero) training for the Cardiff HM showed up at 13.5k when my quads started to seize up. Totally expected, as no way should I be able to nonchalantly run a HM when my longest run for ages prior to it was 10k! I had to run/walk the remainder which irked me, but at least I got round, and I had no niggles after at all. 🙏

My training for the GSR has been similarly pitiful and I was hoping to get those quads firing with some gym work. Never happened, so my Cardiff HM has had to double up as training! 🤦‍♀️

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to cheekychipmunks

There are a few of us in the same boat cheekychipmunks where things beyond our control have reduced the training we have done towards the GSR. And sometimes a weakness in one part of the body has knock on effects elsewhere. I will join you in the resolve to do a few more exercises to support our running so that we don’t risk injury. In the meantime we will enjoy the GSR at a pace that allows us to complete it, even if it includes a bit of walking.

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Yes indeed Dexy5 , we’re not the most race fit bunch this year are we? Not all, obviously. 😀

I can’t be any less fit than last year though, so I’m hopeful I’ll be fine. We can do this! Think bling ….. 😍 No matter what, we’ll have fun.

sTrongFuse profile image
sTrongFuseHalf Marathon10 Miles

Having had to admit defeat and give up running due to long covid chronic fatigue back in April, this is the week I take my first tentative steps back, with Week 1 of C25K.

You real goals or expectations, juat glad to be lacing up and getting out again finally.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to sTrongFuse

Gosh, you have been through it! Welcome back and enjoy your first outing.

That first run back is always tricky with lots of emotions but your legs will remember what to do 😍

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles in reply to sTrongFuse

Welcome back sTrongFuse. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so ill. Take it nice and slowly and we will be here to cheer you along the way.

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

Cmoi, I think you’ve mistaken cheekychipmunks sense of humour for beating herself up.

Cmoi profile image
CmoiMarathon in reply to Dexy5

Many apologies cheekychipmunks and yoursemf Dexy5 . I've been informed that my replies gave an impression that I absolutely did not intend. So I've deleted them. Once again, I'm very sorry.

linda9389 profile image

Hey there IP and everyone! Those speeds are just mind blowing aren't they? It's good to hear you are still making positive progress, the long trail runs will be along shortly now 🥰I'm still pootling along OK, looking forward to the GSR this weekend and making plans for what next.

I went back to pilates this week, having missed it for over a month and ohhhh, how tight I am, how sore I am ... 😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

I’ll take “pootling along ok” any time Linda! That all sounds great and you will be good to go for Sunday 👍 At least it should be cooler than it has been.

I’m still debating whether to return to Pilates. It’s been a year and a half! If you are tight after a month I dread to think what I would be after so long 😩

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

All you have to do is start your pilates IP; you will improve week on week after that I am sure. Always a pain to start at the beginning again, but week on week improvement provides the required "buzz" for me.

I went for a bit of pace this morning; must be the influence of RunBrianRun !

18 x 30 second intervals at mile pace and 2 x 30 seconds at 5k pace, courtesy of NRC.

Pace and I are not best friends as A and VRBs know, so I am hoping for no delayed reaction (I feel fine at present). My best 30 second interval was at 5:08 pace...which (I think) equates to just over 30 seconds for 100 metres....Brian could have run about three times that distance and had a cup of tea in that time🙂! So I wasn't really running quickly.

A bit of pace, in moderation, is fun...I look at Brian in wonder!!

Speed limiter back on for my next run.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh, if I wanted to be a Brian I would spend all my time on the IC!

It’s so hard to strike a balance on speedier paces. We want to run a bit faster sometimes but then we are aware of potential injuries 😩 but it does sound as if you are doing just fine Mr BC 👍

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

🙂 Definitely a recovery run tomorrow. New injinjis hat and gloves today. Winter has arrived up here! Hope your come back continues well IP…you have been IC for too long 👍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Beachcomber66

I haven't put my shorts away yet. But I think I might have to this weekend 🥶

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to Irishprincess

I will continue with shorts for a while; I hate running tights…but their time is probably nigh!!

TailChaser profile image

Sorry, I am stupidly late to the party. I’ve got a picture of Kelvin Kiptum from where I was standing at mile 18 at this years London Marathon. I forgot I’d taken it until a couple of days ago. Very chuffed with that picture now 😊

It’s been a long week. Life is quite challenging for various reasons atm including impending marathons. Tapering is never easy is it? Everything twinges and I seem to have become a meal to most insects around our way as well, to which I’ve been getting mild allergic reactions. Typical. Never mind. It’s due to be cool and damp in Amsterdam on Sunday, which is perfect for me. It was similar conditions when I went out with Shake-and-run this morning, and it was so much easier to run in than the humidity we’ve had these past few weeks. So, Kiptum took seconds off did he? I’m going to beat that, I’m going to take minutes off my marathon PB, maybe even 10s of minutes!! 💪💪💪😅

Have a good what’s left of the week everyone. Amsterdam here we come! 🚂 ✈️ 🚂

A pack of runners leading a race
RunWillie profile image
RunWillieMarathon in reply to TailChaser

So excited for you TailChaser

Cheering very loudly for you & Katnap ❤️🏃‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to RunWillie

Thanks RW, we’ll listen out 😉🤗😍

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

What a fab photo TC! In the company of running royalty 😍

We’re all so excited for you both in Amsterdam, the pompom post has just gone up so your VRBs will be waving lots of pompoms for you 🥳🥳 and cheering you on. Go go go 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

We’ve got to do then now haven’t we 😬😅 help… 😅💪💪💪

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to TailChaser

I heard that Kelvin wanted a picture of you TC 🤷🏻‍♂️🙂

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserMarathon in reply to Beachcomber66

🤣🤣 I’d just be a blur BC🤣

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