How do I improve my social anxiety wh... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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How do I improve my social anxiety when running on the streets

16 Replies

I struggle to run on the streets because when cars or people come by I have a small panic attack. Yet it’s probably the only exercise I can do. I have so much paranoia around people and it freaks me out just being out there, any suggestions?

16 Replies
GoGo_JoJo profile image

Where possible choose quieter, greener areas, trails and fields if you can.

But also when you're feeling a bit braver just try a tiny wave to friendly seeming passersby. Most people are in their own bubbles and will barely register your passing but for those who do smile or say hello, they could be feeling just the same and trying their best to be brave.

We are all fighting our own battles 💖

Jericho2332 profile image
Jericho2332Half Marathon

The more you do it the easier it gets, I used to run around where there was no people and stop running if anybody came so they didn't laugh at me. I slowly built up running in public, started in the park and moved onto roads and built up areas. I say good morning or give a smile and thumbs up to most runners/dog walkers and friendly looking normal folk 🤣.

The one thing I had to realise was 99% of people you see are not interested in what you are doing and most won't give you a second thought or glance once you pass, there possibly even having the exact same thoughts you are and wondering if the super healthy running guy/girl is judging them 🤣

We are all insecure some just style it out better than others, keep your head up and your shoulders back and be proud of what your doing 👍🏻 if your really uncomfortable run with some shades and or a cap for a while until you build up your confidence 😎

Hillrunner2201 profile image

Hi! If it fits into your schedule, you may well find that running early morning is easier. When I started running I went out early because I was worried about people shouting out from cars or taking the mick. But actually it turned out that running at that worked out better for all sorts of reasons. I haven’t had panic attacks but I do feel happier having more personal space and not running around busy streets with lots of traffic. I also find the nicest, friendliest people are out early morning 😊

Irish-John profile image

Rephrase it.Instead of you trying to figure what other people are figuring about you...which really is the process :)... change the "equation".

You are running. You are doing something that is, after all, hard and that takes dedication, time and effort. You are becoming fitter and healthier. You are experiencing all that comes with running outside - I promise you, if you haven't any great stories yet you will have before too long. You no longer see other Runners and WISH you could run too! You even get to hang out and "talk shop" with us lot here :)

And those looking at you - if indeed they "see" you at all - either wish they could be like you, a Runner, - or have no clue what they are missing out on.

So - instead of trying not to be self concious, embrace it. You are "living the dream" :)

If a wee bit of "camoflage" helps however - get a running shirt printed that says something along the lines of "Sahara Death Race Finisher 2010" (there have been a few worn by C25k members :)

Hope some of this helps, please don't quit running because as you get more time out there you will become more comfortable - new things take time to get used to. Dating a Supermodel - short time. Incarceration on Devil's Island, longer time. Point is - humans have an amazing capacity to adapt and adjust given time and negative feelings take way too much psychic energy to hang around for ever, the Brain doesn't allow them to at a certain point :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Irish-John

Love that IJ! 😃👍🏃‍♂️

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnMarathon in reply to misswobble

Thank you MissW :)

nowster profile image
nowsterMetric Marathon

Is it just during running or do you have a general difficulty in being out in public where there are people?

in reply to nowster

General people gives me anxiety, though running in front of people is a different kind of social anxiety

sparky66 profile image
sparky66Half Marathon in reply to

I can empathize Henry Thomas ☺️ I had oral cancer and have had surgery which resulted in a huge scar around my neck and teeth removal, Which gave and still does huge anxiety around other people

I must be one of the few who found the wearing of masks a god send 😣

But I started C25K to get fitter part of my recovery 🙏

Every passing person, even drivers I pulled my mask up to cover my mouth, but as you can imagine not very practical while running.. but I got out.. I ran.. I achived graduation.. I felt great.. my confidence grew.. I kept running.. my mental health improved as much as my physical.. I continued to pull my mask up when passing people but I was now running further and was more consentrated on my running than any car passing by..they if anything would have a fleeting glance..I didn't care..

Then I ran my first 10 K a crowd of 1500 people 😅. no way could I have done this wearing a mask !!!

My son was with me and I passed him my mask at the start line 😃

It bothered me not.. I finished that race with more than a medal..I felt I had overcome much more.. 💪🏃‍♀️

Keep running.. keep trying.. 🙏

I wish you all the best 💪

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon in reply to sparky66

So inspiring sparky66 💪🙂🏃‍♀️!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to sparky66

Go Sparky ! 🙂💪👊✊👍

Running is not just running is it! It’s about so much more 😃

Hillrunner2201 profile image

There’s some really good points here particularly from Irish John. I remember clearly having a turning point where I thought ‘I genuinely don’t care if someone shouts out at me while I’m running as is this too good and too important to me to let it bother me’. People generally are in their own bubble and won’t pay any attention to someone out running. I’ve been running for 6 years now and most times on a run there will be lots of friendly hello’s or comments about the weather.

Personally if I were you I’d choose the quietest time I could to run and also avoid busy parks as well as busy streets if possible.

As others have said, wearing a cap might help.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Hillrunner2201

I hid out in the woods for ages to do my runs as I didn’t want my family to know. Also wearing Lycra tights was a first and I was worried by that.

We all have fears/anxieties/insecurities but we can help ourselves cope or get over them, conquer them maybe 🙂

I like running on our local trails as folks are really friendly Sometimes it’s just us thought isn’t it which is also grand 👍

Lifluf profile image

There are recordings you can listen to which help you deal with anxiety. You may already have found one that suits you. If not, it's worth doing some research. You could use it before you run or even during your run or maybe listen to music that makes you feel calmer. Good luck. You can do this.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66AdministratorHalf Marathon

Much good advice here. I was so anxious (of the “what will people think? “variety ) when I started running that I drove 5 minutes to the local walkway instead of walking there to start my run! I realised, eventually, that running carried with it a cloak of invisibility; most people don’t even see you in any meaningful sense. Most people who do are very pleasant and say good morning, and the odd man (we are the guilty parties here I am afraid, in my experience at any rate) who makes a wise crack is usually put into their place very quickly by their OH! I smile inside and run on! One guy said that “ we should have a race” to which my answer was “fine; 10k or 10 miles.” ………silence 🙂 . You enjoy your runs and try to forget the audience….it doesn’t really exist in any form which matters. Any on lookers who are worth consideration which will be looking on in approval and, in their minds at least, applauding, because you are doing brilliantly 👏👏👏👏👏

misswobble profile image

I hope you will keep running as being fit and healthy is always a good thing. Running can bring clarity as it can clear the head. It takes you out of yourself and you can zone out at times 😃

I think we’ve all done runs where we’ve had thorny problems or been upset over something, but by the time the run is done, we feel much more settled. It gives us time and space to either think, or not! 🙂

I think running in traffic-free areas is one less thing to worry about

I wish you luck with your running and hope doing so can bring you peace 🙂✊

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