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Spring 2020 Half Marathon Group 😄 Food & drink on the run

linda9389 profile image
45 Replies

How's the training going? Well I hope 👍 💪👏

Pre- and post- race nutrition warrant a post in their own right but, as lots of people have been asking, we thought we'd start by talking about food during runs; if you’re just starting out on your first half marathon plan you may not be running far enough to need to consider this aspect of training just yet, but there’s loads of basic info here for you to start thinking about. It would be great if our experienced half marathoners could share personal experiences/recommendations in the comments too.

Is it necessary to eat and drink for a half marathon?

You may or may not need nutrition on the go, even to HM distance. Likewise, hydration. However, most people do like to eat and drink something. Experiment in advance, do not leave it until race day to discover what works for you and what doesn’t. Don't take fuel because you feel you should. Take it, if you need it - but only if you need it.

What sort of nutrition do you need?

I don't think there are any rights and wrongs with food - it's got to be what works for you! There are three things to consider under the banner of nutrition: electrolytes (to replace salts and minerals lost through sweating), carbohydrates (to replace energy stores in your muscles) and caffeine (to give you a boost).

Different types of products

Nutrition can be bought in various different forms.

Products in powder or tablet form must be mixed into water – hydration and nutrition in one. Tailwind is one of the most popular products, readily available in the UK. It comes in many flavours, contains both electrolytes and carbs, and comes in caffeinated or non-caffeinated flavours. I’ve only used it by pre-mixing and carrying in a bladder or bottle, but you can buy small ‘stick packs’ which you could mix into the water provided during a race rather than carry it ready mixed. It’s generally considered a good product for people who struggle to stomach gels. There similar products available from SIS or High5. Sports drinks such as Lucozade are an alternative, ready mixed hydration/carb/electrolyte solution.

Gels are also popular with some (think Marmite!). These come in small sachets, are semi liquid, semi solid and sticky; they may contain just carbs or a mixture of carbs and electrolytes, and they may be caffeinated or not! There are many brands such as SIS, Gu, High 5 etc. If you get on with them, I suspect they’re a great solution. Personally I dislike them – too sticky, too sweet, and not great on my digestive system🤢! Some need to be taken with water and tend to be thicker, whereas others (often labelled ‘isotonic’) don’t need to be taken with additional water and tend to be runnier.

There are also jelly/chew products such as Clif bloks, Gu chews (think Hartley’s jelly cubes!) etc. Again, just carbs or carbs and electrolytes, and caffeinated or not. You do need to take water alongside these. I tend to use them for races, popping a cube in my mouth a kilometre or so before each water station and leaving it to dissolve slowly - I don’t use anything like the amount suggested on the packet though.

You can also buy energy bars which contain carbs – SIS, Clif and others do them. Bear in mind, there is a knack to eating on the run, and this skill should be carefully trained for!

Of course there are also non-sports-industry options such as jelly babies or Kendall mint cake, Nak’d or Frusili bars etc. all providing carbs, or for people without a sweet tooth something like hula hoops or mini cheddars will provide carbs and replace salt!

Alternatively you can make homemade versions of drinks and bars: a carb/salt/drink all in one can be made by diluting apple juice with water and adding salt and there are lots of recipes for flapjacks or nutrition balls to be eaten on the run – here’s one example popular with many HU members rockrun.com/blogs/how-to-gu... which can be adapted with your favourite fruit and nuts.

Carrying food and drink

Gels, blocks, powder sticks and bars can all be carried relatively easily in a running belt. Small amounts of water can be carried in bottles stored in belts, or in hand. Larger volumes of water can be carried in a bladder in a running vest (which will often have pockets for nutrition products too). Although water stations are provided during races, a training run needs more thought. If you’re planning on using water stations in your event, check in advance at what distances water is provided, and try to drink at the same points in your training runs, doing all you can to simulate race-day.

When to take food and drink

It's useful to make a note of the time of day you will be running your race. If your HM starts quite late, it will be getting on for lunchtime or beyond by the time you reach the finish line - so consider a late breakfast and probably a snack before the start. Generally speaking, if you need nutrition during your runs, you should take it on board BEFORE you realise you need it; don’t wait until you’re flagging because it is going to take time to digest before it can have any effect. Little and often works best for both nutrition and hydration.


Practice eating and drinking!

Only you can tell what is best for you, so experiment like crazy!!! As your long runs get longer, try eating on the go. Try drinking on the go too (not as easy as it sounds). Test out breakfasts, and what you like to have after the run. It's a fun part of your training 😊😊😊.

Don’t forget, just because you may once have had a bad experience after consuming something, it doesn't necessarily mean that the “something” was the cause of the problem you had. I encourage you to give that "something" the benefit of the doubt and adopt a scientific approach - or risk missing out on something really good!

Experiment, experiment, experiment!!!

That’s a lot of options, and there are lots more! I can only stress how much it is a matter of personal preference, taste and requirement, and the only way to find out is to experiment during training and don’t deflect from what you’ve practised on race-day.

Enjoy your training, munching and slurping!

roseabi & linda9389 xx

December 10th, 2019


Spring 2020 Half Marathon Group list: docs.google.com/spreadsheet...

HUHM Strava Group: strava.com/clubs/huhm

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Training plans: healthunlocked.com/marathon...

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Getting the most out of your training: healthunlocked.com/marathon...

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linda9389 profile image
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45 Replies
Stephen_UK profile image
Stephen_UKHalf Marathon

Thank you. This is extremely helpful.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Stephen_UK

Good! lots of stuff to try out.

linda9389 profile image

I've done three HMs now. After a bit of experimentation I approached each one the same way.

I used a dilute solution of Tailwind in a bladder for training, but just relied on the water provided during the race rather than carry the extra weight. In training, I only drank from the bladder at the same distances as the water stations in the race I was training for (I absolutely have not mastered drinking and running, so I give myself a very short walking break while I drink).

Personally, I hate gels (I always ended up wearing more than I ate and my hands were uncomfortably sticky all race), but I do like the chews (I don't chew them, I let them dissolve in my mouth so they last longer) I used the chews both in training and on race day. That way I had lots to look forward to during the race - it broke the 21km into much more manageable chunks both mentally and physically. I don't think I've eaten more than 4 cubes in a half marathon though, which is much less than the manufacturer recommended! Trial and error is the only way to find what works for each one of us.

Cantstopmenow profile image
CantstopmenowHalf Marathon

Plenty of food for thought (sorry! 😂). Thank you for all the detail. I love the emphasis on finding out what works best for you. I😊

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Cantstopmenow

😂😂😂 and I worked so hard to resist that 😂😂😂

thank you - this was very helpful😀. I also need to work out how much to eat between runs as I have been running for weight loss so far.(2 stone gone)🥳

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

That's a great achievement! It's quite a balancing act isn't it? Just make sure the food you do eat is packed with nutrients!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to

Well done 💪👍😃. Running is a great way to keep the weight down and stay fit. Eat healthy to support your running and maintain your weight loss.

I’ve been on maintenance for 9 years now. Phew 😃

in reply to misswobble

Thanks - I am having a bad time today as I have a sorecalf/achilles after a 60 mins of clutch control driving yesterday in a jam, I am also havin physio for calf probs. Hope it has not set it off again.

And I saw a photo of myself from the run at the weekend - it was hideous . i wanted to get out and run but my leg is too sore. ... need a few more days off.

I did lose the weight before and maintained for 15 years, then work issues got the better of me and I got a hip/back injury so had to stop.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

Definitely don't run on a sore achilles, check it out with your physio as soon as you can - as you say it's likely related to the calf problem. I look truly 'special' (not in a good way) in almost all my photos, it just comes so naturally - and I hate them all. There were quite a few from my weekend 10k, and several of them were flying feet shots - just the bottom half of the photo for me please 🤣

in reply to linda9389

yes! completely agree. I haven’t run . 😞anyway I am now a big box of maltesers down with a cuppa (soul food). 😉See what tomorrow brings.

thank you for the support!!!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to

As chocolates go, maltesers are a good choice 🤣🤣🤣. Tomorrow why not try a Caroline Jordan hurt foot chair cardio or core and upper body routine instead (you tube). She has a whole heap of routines that won't work your calf/achilles. Stay fit while you wait to run safely. Wishing you a speedy recovery 🙂

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Lovely thorough post linda9389 . I have yet to try any nuitrition whilst running, and I only really have water during the event as its there. That said, I think I would struggle massively without water at the event, even though I don't have any on training runs - mainly because I push myself more on race day.

I have also wondered whether fueling would help me in that last few KMs of a HM where tiredness kicks in, or whether I would be better adapting my training plan better to improve endurance.

As you mention in your post its about trial and error, and in preparing for my 4th HM I still have plenty to learn.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Whatsapp

I started playing with nutrition after feeling very faint at the end of a hot 13km training run. I was on my own and it took a while before I felt well enough to drive home - after that I didn't want to take any chances. I started with jelly babies and SIS electrolyte tabs, passed quickly thru the gel stage - belugghhh - and settled on water and chews with electrolytes for races, or tailwind and non-electrolyte chews for training. I do think caffeine gives me a good boost, but I don't really have any caffeine in my diet normally so that may be why I notice the effect - even if it's just psychological, anything that tells me I'm not as tired as I was 15 minutes ago is a big bonus 😍

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Yes your right about the psychological aspect. Caffine does not affect on me whatsoever though which I guess is a good thng. I picked up a gel and some Cliff blocks they were giving out a the GSR so I will give them a try at some point when my long runs are long enough to warrant.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMarathon in reply to Whatsapp

I eat early to avoid fatigue. Sooner rather than later. I eat extra porridge on the morning of a longer run 💪😋

I find the recipe peanut power bars - posted hereabouts - is a great pick-me-up go-to snack. I love em

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to misswobble

Hopefully that's the same recipe I linked to in the post, it's what I was trying for at least 😀

Joster profile image
JosterHalf Marathon

Terrific and perfect timing as I'm onto longer runs than I've ever done now, so there will come a point soon when I need this! Thank you and look forward to reading the posts.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Joster

You may find you have the HM distance in you without taking anything during the run, but it's something you can play with and see what works for you 🙂

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathon

Thanks Linda, so far my longest run has been 1hr 55 and for that I had a couple of jelly babies before setting out then a couple more when I stopped for a toilet break about half way, and I carry about 300ml of water in one of those bottles that looks like a polo! Then a Lucozade sport when I got home.

It's amazing the different effect things have on your tummy...one week I only had 2 jelly babies left so thought I'll have a couple of jaffa cakes 10 mins beforehand instead...had mild indigestion on and off for the 1st half of the run which was really distracting so I won't do that again!

I have a sensitive tum so will probably just stick with what I'm doing for now as it seems to suit me 🤞

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Run46

That sounds great. Jelly babies are a good source of easily digestible carbs! In hotter weather you may find you want to add electrolytes to your water on the run (Tailwind is known for it's suitability for sensitive tums). You might also find the jelly babies get a bit sticky in the heat 😍.

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to linda9389

When I did the London Marathon it was a warm day and my jelly babies got warm and super soft. They tasted LUSH!!! Might have a go at warming some in the microwave and see if I can reproduce the effect...

Run46 profile image
Run46Half Marathon in reply to roseabi

Not good for a run maybe but I had the same issue with a mars bar I'd had in my pocket in the summer...was lovely and melty and gooey! Yum 😊

I also tried to microwave one but it wasn't the same! You may seem a bit mean microwaving poor little jelly babies 😆

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Run46

Hmmm good point 😄😄😄

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

Oh I’ve missed this club somehow! Can I join please? I’m doing my first HM race next March and need all the help I can get. Lots of great stuff here, thank you!

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Definitely! I'll add you and Bath HM to our list of people and events. There are links to that list, the strava group (if you use strava) and all the previous posts for this group at the bottom of this post, so you can easily catch up 😀. Welcome on board!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Thank you! Reading through the links, but the last one doesn’t seem to work.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Sorry IP - can you try it again, I think I've fixed it ....

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

Perfect! Thanks very much Linda.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessAdministratorHalf Marathon

I’m always amazed that so many HM runners at races don’t seem to take any water or food with them. I’ve watched them at the start and they have nothing. Maybe they stock up at the water stations.

I’m still experimenting with food so lots to go on here! The homemade flapjacks work well for me but I guess the only way to see if something else works better is to try it 🤔

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Ah yes, I forgot to mention that many races have promoters nutritional products available at some of their water stations. Having run through a sea of discarded gel wrappers on more than one occasion, I'm not sure how I forgot! 🙄

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Irishprincess

Some people can run half marathons so quickly they don't need any food! And depending on the event, elite runners may have their own drinks bottles handed to them - very nice! I am very far from elite of course, but I only have a couple of jelly babies during a HM - it's an individual thing 😊😊😊

johnm12 profile image
johnm12Half Marathon

Thanks Linda. This is all useful stuff and very comprehensive.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to johnm12

Plenty of options to try out if you find you need something 🙂

Setters profile image
SettersHalf Marathon

Last year when I got up to 10miles I decided to try Tailwind and it definitely helped me, as they suggest I only take it for runs over 1 hour and have the weakest solution recommended. The only way I can take the amount of liquid they suggest is by having two sips or so at the end of every music track on my play list, this little and often works for me. I carry a bladder in a hydration vest and find this comfortable. I do have a square of mint cake for runs over 30 mins up to hour. If I don’t have either of these two I slump around 6k.

Always try to have a reasonable breakfast, porridge with dried fruit at least two hours before running, and a spoonful or two of peanut butter post run, followed by lunch of some protein. Interestingly I did find that having a full stick of Tailwind during my longest run so far did mean I was not hungry at all after the run, yet it’s only 200 calories.

But as said this is such an individual thing I think

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Setters

You're right it's very individual. It can be hard to know where to start with so many options - knowing what has worked for someone else gives people an idea to start off with, so thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like you've found a good solution. I make up my Tailwind very weak too, mostly because I prefer the taste that way 😍

Setters profile image
SettersHalf Marathon

Yes I agree weak is the way to go, even like the green tea one which surprised me as I loathe tea normally, also found the further I go the nicer it tastes, which I am guessing is my body needing the electrolytes more.

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to Setters

I use the green tea one too - to me it tastes like parma violets when made full strength tho! I too 'get used' to the flavour as I go, but maybe you're right and that's down to needing the salts, interesting!

roseabi profile image
roseabiUltramarathon in reply to Setters

More likely it's settling out at the bottom of your bladder, so it has more flavour 😊

Setters profile image
SettersHalf Marathon

Idea stems from looking after racehorses, then it was best practice to offer both electrolytes and plain water side by side so horse could choose which one it actually needed!

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon

Really useful, thanks Linda! I don’t tend to veer away from jelly babies nutrition-wise. I like the idea of flapjacks, but I like a bit of “juice” on the go!

As for hydration, I used plain water in a bladder over the summer, alongside a small bottle with Tailwind. It all seemed to work for me. 😀

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Sounds great! I had to stop buying jelly babies because they seemed to escape from my drawer even on non-run days! 🤷‍♀️🤪

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksHalf Marathon in reply to linda9389

I hide them from myself in the glove compartment of my car - except I know where they are! 😈

linda9389 profile image
linda9389AdministratorMarathon in reply to cheekychipmunks

Oh ... no one else knew there were jelly babies in my drawer ... 😍

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Metric Marathon

Thanks for this. Very informative 😊👍

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