A Tale of Two Runs 😁☹️: This was going... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...

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A Tale of Two Runs 😁☹️

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon
26 Replies

This was going to be my Hellingly 10k Race Report (hence the photo of race number and bling!) but I've decided to talk about my Marathon Training long run of today as well because I think it demonstrates pretty well the highs and lows of running.

Yesterday I took part in Hellingly 10k. It's a race in my Club Championship as well as being a Sussex Grand Prix event. It's an undulating course run on country lanes so right up my street. I was pretty sure I could better my 10k PB which was set a couple of months ago at Heathfield as people had told me that, while hilly, this course wasn't as challenging. It was perfect weather for running and I felt really good when I reached the start line having forgone my Friday run and parkrun to give myself the best chance. I positioned myself towards the back as usual and we set off.

I absolutely loved every minute of it! I often have problems with wanting to stop and although I did get that feeling at around halfway I was able to overcome it. I was having a great tussle with a veteran from Wadhurst Runners - I later found out from the results that he was in his 70s! As I've mentioned before I'm terrible downhill but strong up them - he on the other hand was just brilliant downhill! We swapped position multiple times which we had a good laugh about during the race. I felt like I was getting stronger as the race went on and managed a pretty decent sprint in the last 100m. A huge PB for me - 55:48 😁

So this morning I set off with some friends from my running club on a long run with two of us intending to do 18 miles. After yesterday I felt like I could do anything and was feeling really strong. At 12 miles I stopped to have a drink of water and something to eat. At that point my legs just died and my mind followed. I had to walk up all the hills - in fact I could only really manage to run downhill. I also felt sick and dizzy. My running partner was lovely she waited for me, ran back for me and encouraged me all the way back. At 17.5 miles I got back to my car and couldn't face another half mile, even walking, so called it a day.

After yesterday's elation it was a really sobering experience. I'm doing a long run again next Monday and I won't have raced so fingers crossed it will be better.

I was hoping to complete Beachy in around 5 and a half hours but depending on how next week goes I may need to reevaluate that.

Still love running though 😁

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pianoteacher profile image
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26 Replies
Macmac profile image

Well done on your 10k PT! Sounds like you really enjoyed those hills and a great result too. Do not forget, you were running on tired legs today and have had little recovery after a race yesterday so I would not be worried. 17.5miles is still brilliant and almost 18 anyway so nothing wrong with that! For your mara, you will have tapered and have nice fresh legs to get you through it 😊

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Macmac

Thank you! Thinking back I did this once before - I ran a really, really hilly cross country club 10k race on a Tuesday evening then went on a club training run the following morning. Thought I'd be OK if I went slowly but literally couldn't manage any of the hills - at some point I'll learn my lesson 🤣

LoungeLizaard profile image

Hi PT - sounds like you needed a day off in between the 10K and long run? BUT - you still got out there and did 17.5 miles, which is fantastic!

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to LoungeLizaard

Thanks! A day or two off is definitely the answer x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy510 Miles

First of all pianoteacher, congratulations on your run yesterday. That is a great time. Like you, I did a 10k yesterday, and there’s no way I wanted to run again today. Although I know that you are both younger and fitter. I’m new to all this but I thought the advice was to just have an easy run after a race. I think I’ll just be doing a slow run on Tuesday/Wednesday followed by parkrun. Maybe you just didn’t realise how much your race had taken out of you. It could be down to you getting your PB or maybe you hadn’t fully rehydrated as it was pretty warm. I am sure that your next long run will be fine.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Dexy5

Thanks Dexy! You're absolutely right - two hard runs shouldn't be done consecutively. One of the club coaches messaged my earlier about something else and his opening line was 'I trust you have been resting after yesterday's exertions' I think he must have seen Facebook and Strava 😂I've also just had my Garmin Stats for last week and I've realised I did lots of fast running with no real recovery! Need to plan it all a bit better I think x

Whatsapp profile image
WhatsappHalf Marathon

Well done on your PB. You put it all out on the course. I am amazed you managed to get out there and pound out 17.5 miles. You should be proud of yourself. Back to back running is tough.

Also I often find a bad run run comes directly after a great one. Could be heightened expectations, could be a recovery thing. Pay it no mind. You will be brilliant when Beachy head comes around.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Whatsapp

Thanks WhatsApp! I think there's definitely something in the heightened expectations. I was running so much slower today than yesterday I think I just thought I would magically be able to keep going forever. I hadn't appreciated the tiredness which comes with runs over half marathon distance even when you're running slowly. Just need to keep on with teaching my body to do it but with more attention to what else I'm doing as well x

Tasha99 profile image

Well done Marie! Doesn’t everyone walk up hills in marathons? 🤣 Just one of those runs - made harder after so much effort yesterday. I’m sure you’ll be fine next run 👍🏽

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Tasha99

Thanks Tasha! I'll definitely be walking up loads of the hills on Beachy - the elevation is insane 😂🤣

Runsome profile image

Hi Pianoteacher I’m glad your feeling better that’s a really good post showing the highs and lows we can experience whilst running. although I still think your long run today was a good one especially after Sunday’s 10k not including the feeling unwell. As you say have a rest and go at it again on Monday. It seems you are at the right point in your Marathon training despite you choosing the most difficult one possible. Keep going you are doing fantastic and enjoy your Marathon 😊👍💪

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Runsome

Thanks 😁😁

Sandraj39 profile image
Sandraj39Half Marathon

I agree with others - you ran a tough 10k PB, and then demanded more (a lot more!)from your poor legs the next day! Hopefully after a couple of rest days all will feel a lot better. Good luck!🙂

Great 10k time btw!👍😀

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Sandraj39

Thanks Sandra xx

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon

I think the general consensus both on here and Strava is that you’re a little bit crackers going for such a long, hard run the day after a fast 10k. I agree with the general consensus. 😄

Well done on a fantastic 10km PB though, and 18 miles is a really long run to get through even without the previous day’s run. You’re nearly there (and a hell of a lot further than I’ve been). I sometimes underestimate how different a race is to a training run in the effect it can have on me. It doesn’t even seem necessarily to be about the pace. I can run HM as a training run and feel totally fine later the same day. I did the GNR yesterday - barely any faster - and everything still aches and I’m knackered! The adrenaline expended on it maybe?

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Colinsmith

Definitely a bit crackers - what was I thinking?!? In the words of my friend Helen I've been a very "silly sausage" 🤣😂

Colinsmith profile image
ColinsmithHalf Marathon in reply to pianoteacher

Well, fortune favours the brave... I’m sure you’ll be a-OK after a day or two’s rest.

My Garmin said 3 days recovery time after yesterday’s race. But then I am an auld codger.

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Colinsmith

Surpringly OK this morning - had imagine I wouldn't be able to walk 😂

Complete rest day today then will give tomorrow's 10k club run a go - they're speedy but will come back for me if I'm struggling x

Decker profile image

Well you were brave to try both these runs back to back. Fortune favours the bold and sometimes the crazy. 😁Congrats on your PB too. Brilliant. Now, time to rest a bit eh?

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Decker

Thanks Decker x

backintime profile image
backintime10 Miles

Congrats on your PB in the 10k.

And congrats on your 17.5miles...that's still huge and worth celebrating, especially the day after a race

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to backintime

Thank you! I suppose I did manage to keep moving albeit slowly. Yesterday I was a little panicked at the idea of still having another 9 miles to do in the marathon but I feel much better and more confident about it today x

C3PO profile image

I have to agree with the others, that your result the day after the run wasn't all that surprising. Congratulations on your PB!

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to C3PO

Thank you xx

Katnap profile image

Congrats on your 10k PB. You will still benefit from your distance run but hopefully you can be more realistic next time. Don't beat yourself up. Both runs were successful in different ways.

🐱 Katnap 🐱

pianoteacher profile image
pianoteacherMarathonHalf Marathon in reply to Katnap

Thank you! In hindsight I'm pretty pleased I got through the first 12 miles without a problem and I've learned a very valuable lesson so lots of positives out of negatives 😁

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