Christmas greeting with a touch of humour - Macular Society

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Christmas greeting with a touch of humour

Annsandra13 profile image
11 Replies

Happy Christmas to all my friends on Macular!

I do hope you have managed to enjoy your Christmas despite our restrictions during the COVID19 this Christmas ! And then of course we have our sight problems to contend with.

On a lighter note, I thought I would share some funny moments over Christmas, by now after 2+ years I have now come to terms with the condition!

I have tombe honest to say I can be a bit of a liability in certain situations !

My lovely healthy stir fry that took me ages to prepare ended up on the floor as I forgot to turn the pan handle towards the side so I wouldn’t knock it off the hob! Needless to say I had to prepare it over again.

I tried to be helpful and pour the drinks but the precious champagne didn’t quite get into the glass! I was sacked in the nicest possibles way 🍾

The present wrapping was a bit of a problem when the sellotape didn’t stay on the dispenser then trying to find the end before failing and having change rolls where the end was easy to see but then I’m missing the placement of the said sellotape when wrapping the neatly folded corners!

Oh dear! Apart from seeing distorted outlines, with people and objects looking distinctly strange! My text messages are another story my friends and family think I have my very own language!

However I am managing to stay me, retain my independence and dignity! With much humour!

We can’t let Macular Degeneration define us.

Merry Christmas and I hope 2021 will be happier and healthier for us all!

Love to hear your funny moments!

Love and best wishes to all

Ann xx

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Annsandra13 profile image
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11 Replies
springcross profile image

Christmas Greetings to you too and it's a great post Annsandra, I'm just sorry you're struggling with your sight but you are definitely retaining your humour.

My sight isn't too bad although it has gotten worse due to the delays in between injections earlier this year because of Covid - can't seem to get back to that good place I was in before it all kicked off. Are you still having injections?

Just in case we don't hear from you in time for the New Year, I wish you a Happy New Year and hope that it brings good news and good health your way. xx

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to springcross

Hi Springcross, So good to hear from you, as you so rightly say the delays for injections have not been great for any of us, I have been fortunate to continue to have the 6 weekly, I had to make a lot of fuss to have this but in view f having Endophthalmitis last year they have been quite cautious with me.

I am having both eyes injected on the 31st.

By 5 weeks I am struggling more hence having more so over Christmas

It is an awful condition for us all for sure but I think we have to look for the good moments in life.

Ah bless you, I d hope you will have your injections soon at least then yu may have some improvement even between injections.

Take care and I hope you will have a much better year in 2021 and we have some normality.

Sending love

Ann xx

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Annsandra13

I have been back to every four - five weeks for a few injections now (don't know how long that will continue for with the new strains of Covid appearing), but it was the eight weeks apart that completely mucked me up as I know it has caused more damage.

I hope you have a much better year next year too. Take care. xx

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to springcross

Yes yu are right I think we will have deteriorating, I think s many people with all sorts f health problems are suffering to sadly. I am wondering if they will cancel mine next week!

Take care , stay positive xx

Bluegreensea profile image

'Merry Christmas' Ann.Your stories made me chuckle.

I love your warm sense of humour -

frequently the best medicine.

All the best for 2021.

Let's continue to find reasons to be cheerful.

BGS xxx

Annsandra13 profile image
Annsandra13 in reply to Bluegreensea

Hi Bluegreensea, firstly I love the I name and was happy you had a chuckle! Humour does help sometimes just felt the need to reach out to our lovely community, we are all in the same boat so to speak! All the very best to you too, and hopefully 2021 will be a far better year for us all.

Love Ann x

Bluegreensea profile image
Bluegreensea in reply to Annsandra13


fed13 profile image

Reasons to be cheerful:- Covid -19 vaccination. I'm not for a moment suggesting we "jump the Q", BUT doesn't wet AMD and the consequent sight challenges put us in a vulnerable category? Does the Macular Society have any guidelines here? Or am I letting AMD define me??

I was so impressed with your post Annsandra 13. So cheerful, despite everything. xx

Annsandra13 profile image

Hi Fed13, I do agree with you that AMD should be in the vulnerable section of the vaccination queue, there is so much to contend with for the medical world right now so I don’t se us jumping the queue, although I feel we can make some noise with our own doctors surgeries maybe! B interesting to hear what our macular society team think!

Keep well and stay positive! Love Ann x

Thanks for the chuckle x My blind hubby was proud to have made a roast dinner but we had to laugh when the roast potatoes turned out to be mini sausage rolls ;)

Cue a rethink on the freezer organisation and purchase of a Penfriend3 to put voice labels on things! A sticker on the door now tells him what's in which basket etc. and he uses Alexa Show &Tell if he's unsure of anything :)

Annsandra13 profile image

Ah that’s so funny I reckon he has created a new delicacy for Christmas Day roasted sausage rolls! Yes we need lots of ideas to make life a bit easier.Well done to hubby, love his courage, wishing you the best for 2021.

Love Ann xx

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