High myopia: Hi everyone, I am curious to... - Macular Society

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High myopia

Smurfy1986 profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone,

I am curious to know how many of you, who are high myopes developped macular degeneration later in life? I am 33 and have high myopia (-11D) and according to the doctors that I've been to, a "normal" retina for someone with these diopters...i know it is pointless to worry for something that may never happen but it's really hard not to wonder how things will develop and how this high myopia will affect my 40s, 50s, 60s and so on...

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Smurfy1986 profile image
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18 Replies
LancasterLady profile image

I think you need to differentiate between Myopic Macular Degeneration (MMD) which is a result of high myopia, and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). I believe that MMD is not very common, whereas AMD in its various forms is much more common. The Macular Society can talk you through the figures I expect.

My experience is of developing MMD in one eye at the age of 58, in 2007. The other eye is developing signs of dry AMD but this is not to do with my myopia. I have had retinal scans which suggest that the "good" eye is unlikely to develop MMD.

So my advice would be to monitor your eyes regularly using an Amsler chart - once a week perhaps - and report any changes immediately. And get on with life beyond that

Rosalyn-helpline profile image

Dear Smurfy1986,

Please contact us at the Macular Society Advice and Information for discussion.

We are open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.

Kind regards

Bfree profile image

I am very short sighted -19 at 35 I had a bleed in my eye due to this and have been told I have myopic degeneration .

My mother is the same but again very high at -22 and is now practically blind due to degeneration . But we have pathological myopia ( eye keeps growing )

I think your be ok at -11 .

alalex101 profile image

My brother and I have myopic degeneration. His has regulated in disability and legal blindness in his fifties. Mine is milder and I am still working and driving. Live a healthy lifestyle and don’t live in fear. Treatment is progressing.

JulieG44 profile image

Hi, I am 56 I have -15 prescription in both eyes and was diagnosed with wet AMD in my right eye 2 months ago today. I have had 2 injections of Eylea so far and another next week. Glaucoma is common in my family and as such I expected to get that. Both my brother and sister who are older than me have it, both have better eyesight than I do. Mine are by far the worst. No sign of AMD in my left eye but I am at risk of developing it so will look after it carefully and have regular checks.

2468G profile image

Hi smurfy1986.

I'm 54 and was diagnosed with CNV which is a leakage caused by being highly myopic. Causes similar problems to AMD and same treatment is prescribed though you usually require less injections to stabilise it. My prescription is -12 in one eye and -11 in the other.

I had no problems other than being myopic until my late 40s when I had posterior vitreous detachment in both eyes then the CNV in one eye a couple of years ago. It does appear if you are myopic you are at a higher chance of suffering from several different eye problems but they dont affect everyone so try not to worry. Enjoy the present.

Best wishes to you.

michellenavarn profile image

Do you have flashes by any chance? I’m been dealing with this problem for years. Did you ever get a PVD yet or saw an ophthalmologist?

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to michellenavarn

No, i never experienced flashes and i don't have pvd either. I do see floaters however. I go to regular eye checks and one eye doctor told me that my retina looks "like the back of an old, teared coat". I'm trying to be positive though, exercise, eat healthy and spend time outdoors. I was told that flashes are the sign of retinal detachment and if i ever see them i should go asap to check my eyes

michellenavarn profile image
michellenavarn in reply to Smurfy1986

I got my eyes checked so far no tears, pvd, or detachments. the more i’m stressed I see the flashes more or notice them. they come and go. I got my eyes checked three times since May. they have told me the same thing that my eyes are fine. they said that the flashes should subside?

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to michellenavarn

There is also something called retinal migraine - looks a bit like flashes but the causes are different. Anyhow, i think you should not stress and trust your doctor/optician. Of course you can always ask for a 2nd optinion and check with a retina specialist if that will give you comfort. But maybe just resting your eyes and staying away from screens will fix the problem?

michellenavarn profile image
michellenavarn in reply to Smurfy1986

did your prescription ever stabilized even for a while? mine changes a little bit but not significant. i’m scared of what might happens when i get older since i’m 25 and at -8/-9.

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to michellenavarn

I'm not sure what to say: i had -9 when i was 25 and now, at 34 i am -11 (even -12 according to latest measurement). On the other hand, i am a computer programmer so i spend at least 10hours a day in front of a computer so maybe this affected my vision. Also, i have perfect vision with -8.5 contacts (even -8 with some brands). There is a facebook group called endmyopia and they promote some kind of eye exercises to improve your sight. Maybe it's worth a try. Apart from that, try not to worry :)

michellenavarn profile image
michellenavarn in reply to Smurfy1986

i’m a nurse so I try to take breaks in between so my eyes don’t hurt as much. it just worries me since I don’t want any complications when i’m older. it’s just super discouraging :(

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to michellenavarn

I know, i am also very worried of all possible complications that might come with age even if i know that worrying will not take me anywhere...

michellenavarn profile image
michellenavarn in reply to Smurfy1986

I know same here. One last question- did your myopia start as a kid or later in the teens? I’ve been nearsighted since 4th grade.

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to michellenavarn

Yes, it started when I was 10 (also 3rd or 4th grade) and my first pair of glasses was -0.75D. Afterwards it just went worse and worse, taking even a 3D leap in when i was a teenager. It somehow stabilized after my 20s but it seems that it hasn't stopped progressing yet. The strange part is that no one in my family is nearsighted, i have never had health problems etc. So, as bad as it may sound, i just blame the opticians who kept increasing my diopters even when they knew i do a lot of close-work and me for not taking care of my eyes better

Purplemarcin profile image

I have MMD started at 44 and at 54 fully progressed disease which led to severe sight loss. My advice is to have really good medical care and frequent checks with rail treatment (injections) when required.

Smurfy1986 profile image
Smurfy1986 in reply to Purplemarcin

I am really sorry to hear about this and that you have to cope with it.

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