Hi my dear friends on Macular, my Eyelea injections have been successful for the past 9 months as long as my injections are prompt every 4 weeks on my bad eye, then bi-monthly on my left, I have noticed that sun light or electric lights are effecting me more, and give me an instant head pain.
2 days ago, i flew back from France had a little flashing in my eye and after landing I had stringy floaters in front of my bad eye, a bit of a headache., thankfully I had my appointment the next morning.
The consultant looked at the back of the eye, said that the vitreous gel was causing the problem and leaking in the eye, asked if I had a bump on the head, i hadn’t but asked what caused this to happen. It may be a result of the injections and not to worry about it but to ring if it gets worse. She further said it was crucial I had 4 weekly injections. Thankfully my eye test showed no deterioration,
Today my eye is very sore, with headache, a few spidery floaters, the injection wasn’t the best yesterday not feeling great today.
Wondering if this could be the beginning of a detached retina, any advice would be most welcome.
Hoping all my friends on Maculare are progressing well.
Kindest regards