Hi everyone, I write this post with a heavy heart. As I previously stated, I was due for an OCT scan yesterday. Things went badly wrong right from the very beginning. This branch of Specsavers was so busy, and resembled a cattle market, and I got a gut feeling as soon as I entered their premises. The assistant who tried to do my scan stopped halfway through, and claimed that the scan was not going correctly. I asked him why, and he said 'You are not sitting correctly,' very strange, as half of the scan was done by then. To my utter amazement, he puled the chair from underneath me and placed a lower chair there. This was ridiculous because I could not reach the chin rest on the machine then. I was then informed to go back into the waiting room and think about what I wanted to do!! During this time, people were being herded in just like cattle just to get an OCT scan. Finally, I was called in to see the optometrist, who then informed me that her staff had done everything possible to make me comfortable, but it was my fault that the scan had not tuned out properly. I was then asked if I had just attended that shop for an OCT scan. To which I replied 'No, because I was told that I would need a full eye test as well.' I had recently had an eye test at another opticians, but was willing to pay for another one if it was mandatory. To my horror, and disgust, the optometrist then said 'Well, you have recently had an eye test, so you retina would have been examined,' meaning just by just by using the average testing techniques. I just walked out of that shop vowing never to walk into another branch of Specsavers again. I will now have to search around for an independent optician who has an OCT scanner. Sorry for the length of my post, but my words cannot even do justice to how I feel.
Unfortunately, No OCT Scan: Hi everyone, I... - Macular Society
Unfortunately, No OCT Scan
I think at this stage, as you still have some concerns about your eyes, the best bet is probably to attend the emergency eye clinic.
Just to be clear, the Amsler Grid do not always indicate a change to wet. Only a scan can do that.
As we have just spoken, I hope things are a little clearer. You're welcome to call us anytime, so please do so!
Good luck - we are all with you!
Macular Society A&I
0300 30 30 111
How utterly unprofessional. If you were not sitting correctly, they should have made adjustments before scanning. I am only 4ft 10 but the technicians at my hospital, make the necessary adjustments to scanner table and my chair, before proceeding. My mind boggles that they can blame you for it not being successful. I hope they didn't present you with a bill.
Hello Bobbie915,
No, they didn't present me with a bill, but I would not have paid anyway. When I asked if they could adjust the machine, all that they said was 'no, as it was company policy.' A whole load of bulls......s. If you will pardon my language.

Your language is probably a very apt description! Company policy - always a good let-out. You have probably guessed that I don't belong to their fan club! Keep smiling and keep us posted.
I will never go to Specsavers again their glasses are inferior. I expect the person doing the scan was not properly trained if any of them are I very much doubt
The best answer is the emergency eye clinic at your local mospital. It cuts out referral time as well.
Best wishes.
So sorry 01776 to hear all these terrible things ...it's not enough you are dealing with the worry of something wrong with your eyes you 'hve to deal with unsupportive not professional,incompetent etc etc it could be a long list ...don t give up and sooner you find a decent optician hope they are some in your area ...they most be .. ...even an OCT scan isn t good enough to detect about wet macular but it's a first step ...my consultant when the ydiagnosed problem in my macular had an OCT scan but also an angiogram to have a better look on the vessels on the back of my eye ...had it done twice all these years as consultant had his doubts ...anyhow ...let you started with first step which is an OCT scan ...would definitely persevere...friend of my mine had bad experience at Specsavers as well ...they told her wear and tear on the back of her eye didn t inform her enough and an month later she end up with Wet macular and now on treatment ...fingers crossed everything is ok with you but u need that first step of OCT scan ...once at East Grinstead one if the hospitals where I go the assistant there couldn t do the OCT scan she was giving me such a hard time in the end i had enough and said can someone else please try ...the next one which walked in done with a couple of attempts!!!..So don t blame yourself at all and find a way to have it done ...all the very best x
My experience with SpecSavers was similar to your friend's. I was told I had damage to back of my eyes after cataract surgery. AMD was never mentioned and I knew nothing about it. Had the condition been explained to me, I would have done some research and asked questions. With hindsight, I doubt I would have taken their advice on cataract surgery. I had been told some years ago, when I lived in South Africa that I had a cataract, but it didn't seem to make any difference to my sight. When I came back to this country and went to SpecSavers, I was told on several occasions that I had nice healthy eyes!!! Even with treatment, I have lost central vision in one eye and quite a lot in the other.
I feel I must put in a good word for my local Specsavers. They picked up my AMD on my first visit and got me a hospital appointment for 2 days later where their diagnosis was confirmed. I was treated well throughout.Many of you have been badly treated but please don't let that put everybody off. There are obviously big differences from branch t branch. Hang in there 01776.
Poor you. What happened with me was this. I phoned my local optician who has an optometrist working there and said something odd was going on with my eye. He dilated my eyes, examined them and said he could see a blister of fluid on my right eye. He then performed an OCT to confirm what he say and said he thought I had csr. This was done on the emergency PEARS system so I was referred to be seen at local hospital within 4 days. When you feel up to it I would complain strongly to Specsavers but meanwhile concentrate on finding someone competent who can help you. Good luck and thoughts with you
Yes spec savers are useless. Always find Vision Express very good.
Sorry to hear of your experience at Specsavers, very different from mine. I have been going there for years and have found them to be thorough and polite.
I'm not related in anyway with anyone with anything to do with Specsavers, just telling the truth as far as I'm concerned.
Yes have to say the specsavers I go to are also quite good. They diagnosed my AMD and have always been helpful. Obviously branches vary and another one I went to were poor. Why do we have to fight for treatment for this disease? In the end I had to pay privately to be taken seriously and get on to the NHS after having to pay serious money for two injections privately!!