hello, has anyone heard of Lorati eye drops? and if so, does it work for macular degeneration?
hello, has anyone heard of Lorati eye drop... - Macular Society
hello, has anyone heard of Lorati eye drops? and if so, does it work for macular degeneration?

Hi, I checked out about Dr Lorati eye drops that contain nano particles, not sure what to make of them or the video, see godforeye.com/ the website based in Taiwan, it does say it treats Wet AMD.
It been out since 2017, I think we would have heard more if it was ground breaking? But worth watching.
Best regards

Dear zm790,
There is no foundation for their claims,
Macular Society Advice and information Service
0300 3030 111
Never heard of it but know that research is ongoing to find an eyedrop that reaches the back of the eye, to replace injections, but nothing found yet. Think some research being done at Nottingham University into this. Sure Macular Society would issue news about this if it had been achieved as it would be a big breakthrough and save a lot of money for the NHS and enable patients to administer the drug themselves.
Any eye treatment that doesn't have a Product Licence should never be trusted, This is a scam, I wouldn't even rely on it to be sterile let alone helpful. The Lorati website is wonderful example of pseudoscience - complete and utter junk
Yes there is lot of work to develop eye drops as an alternative to injections, some of the work is looking promising. But when they succeed the drops will go through a rigorous testing procedure and will be made available through prescription only - they won't be sold online for self treatment.
I spent 42 years in drug development, this (Lorati) is not how it happens.
Basically, i have to agree with you. But i know so much helpless people loosing their eye sight and trying to adhere to medical doctors therapies and suggestions for many years , but without any improvements. My good family friend and also a researcher lost his vision after a conjunctivitis sicca . The doctors prescribed Dexamethasone and eye gels (because infection left dry eye syndrome), he still had blurred vision. After 4 weeks , the specialists prescribed Cyclosporine eye drops plus gels. No improvements. Cornea showed infiltrates , vision didn't improve. Next step is the laser (PTK) , but hos situation worsened (because of prescribed steroids, his IOP dramatically increased and cornea scars occured during healing. Now what? Some researchers proposed experimental therapies (decorin eye gellan gel), but ophthalmologists told they have no experience with this. To me, the should tried out decorin loaded gellen gum system, the risks are much less than laser PTK with steroid. But you have to be rational and have some intelligence to realize that such approach has huge advantage over a risky PTK . So, we need a REVOLUTION in ophthalmology. This revolution are powerful drugs which influence and REVERSE the pathology on molecular level. AS for Lorati, i dont know if this drops work, This mineral based nano particle drops should be first tried out in animal and human experiments.