Working with cnv
Cnv in one eye How dø i live If my other ... - Macular Society
Cnv in one eye How dø i live If my other eye gets it How would i work ect i work on machines in engineering
Hello Caddy45,
Hopefully your other eye will not be affected.
If it is, there is a lot of support for people at work. The Macular Society have a factsheet for people of working age giving details of helpful contacts and the help and support available.
For example, 'Access to Work' are a government department which provides help and support for working people and will work with someone's employer to help them carry on working if it is at all possible.
See the following link;
If you would like a copy of our factsheet, please either call our helpline 0300 30 30 111 (9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday) or email
The society also have some support groups for working age people; our helpline can tell you where your nearest group is and give you a contact telephone number.
Best wishes
Macular Society
Hi Caddy45, there are ways to learn to work on machines..for example...@ Lighthouse for the blind here in Seattle, Washington, USA..they MAKE parts for commercial airplanes and have done this work for 25 years with ZERO malfunctions!
TRY to approach this with a different mind-set..try and see this new chapter in your life as an adventure. I've lived through 25 years of varying won't always feel like you are up for the challenge..but I found that it helps if you do like you are doing here--look for support from EVERYONE and ANY agency that has can develop new ways to live that *can* be your personal adventure!