Holy leg cramps!!!! I've had serious tightening o... - LUPUS UK


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Holy leg cramps!!!! I've had serious tightening of the lower leg all night.....hard to sleep! Anyone else get this? What helps you?

royalsmom7 profile image
6 Replies
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royalsmom7 profile image
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6 Replies
Natura profile image

I get these on and off. Coconut water...need potassium...Bananas....

Samh profile image

I've just put mine down to dehydration & lack of activity.....????

hazelHollingsworth profile image

I suffered for years and my doctor found the cure. TONIC water, it has quinine in it. I was on the full dose of Hyroxychloraquine so could not take any more. I Have diet and mix it half and half with water with a drop of diet fruit juice. I mix it all in a large jug at night and it lasts me most of the day. Good Luck.xx

carotopgal profile image

I really was suffering with these to the point that my foot literally twisted around one time. My doctor had me get powdered magnesium (he said the pills wouldn't work). I use the PURE brand. You mix a little in some hot water and drink it (tastes like lemonade). It will calm down the cramps almost immediately. He had me drink it every night for 2 weeks, then just as needed.

Cann profile image

They used to say a lack of salt caused cramps, but I have virtually no salt and I don't get too many cramps, but I do eat plenty of bananas - from the answers, it seems it can be different things for different people.

Barnclown profile image

You may think that what I'm suggesting is odd.....but:

I've conscientiously been doing all the hydration & diet & supplements recommended for these sort of cramps....and am on the usual SLE oral meds...even so, nothing seemed to help stop these cramps...they went on & on happening...am talking about years...

THEN, last autumn I was consulting a Complex Regional Pain-experienced ortho surgeon about my feet. He prescribed full-on physio in the form of gastrocnemius stretching (if you don't know what this is, google it: you'll find easy instructions). I do this stretching every day for 20min a.m. & 20min p.m., alternating legs, so each leg is stretched 1min at a go. This physio has helped release the tendons in my legs & feet...5 months on, I can walk without a cane again....after YEARS of lameness! AND my leg cramps have STOPPED....actually haven't had a cramp in several months, cause these stopped soon after I began this stretching...yes, I continue the hydration, diet, supplements stuff, but, as I understand it, SLE caused the gradual denaturing/tightening of our tendons throughout the body...which leads to cramping....the sort of stretching I've been doing counteracts this tightning effect....so, I intend to continue this stretching as long as I am able....

Possibly worth a try? But first, I suggest you discuss this with your drs....