Which overlap conditions do you experience alongs... - LUPUS UK
Which overlap conditions do you experience alongside your lupus?
Pernicious anaemia and coeliac disease
This is more managable. My understanding for coeliac is you avoid wheat and any kind of gluten, I don't think it's life threatening if you follow the rules. My nephew was born with it and he's now 42. he seems to be OK with it (if he follows the rules).
Anaemia needs iron. Too many white blood cells and not enough reds. Makes you much more receptive to illnesses. I don't know much else except you feel tired a lot. Ask about what excercise you can do.
Fibrosis of the lungs
Fibrosis of the lungs
ITP, MDS, Anemia, Leukopenia, Hypothyroidism
Have neuro psychiatric lupus - organic mood disorder diagnosed by psychiatrist. GP diagnosed Raynauds but not rheumatologist. Rheumy at Guys says showing signs of Fibromyalgia but local rheumy didn't even test just told me not to worry about it after he read the letter from Guys. Oesteoporosis. I don't have APS but lupus anticoagulant.
Auto Immune Hepatitis
Hi Norma52 I see you also have AIH....have you been diagnosed with that long? And did the diagnosis come before or after the Lupus diagnosis (Hope you don't mind me asking-am just curious!!) Also are you under different hospitals/specialists for both? I don't know about you, but sometimes I am not sure if it is the Lupus or the AIH causing me all my bad days (probably a mixture of both) but my fatigue is so, so dilbilitating!! Julie x
Hi Julie, I've been diagnosed with AIH for about 10 years now. I was diagnosed with Lupus about 5 years before that. In between I had also had non-Hodgkins lymphoma although I don't know if that is significant or not! Initially I saw a rheumatologist for the lupus then a liver specialist for the AIH. I was also at the time attending the out patient cancer clinic. (Sorry, it's all a bit confusing!) All these consultants were based in Aberdeen which is 75 miles away from where I live - so seeing any of them meant a 150 mile round trip. Anyway after about two years of this, when I was given the all clear from the cancer clinic, I spoke to my rheumatologist and he suggested that as the liver specialist was overseeing the medication I took then I could stop going to see the rheumy and just have an open door to see him if I felt it was necessary. I've been seeing the liver specialist every 3 months since then. At first I was put on a huge dose of steroids (Prednisolone) but my weight gain using them was horrendous. I went from a size 8 (underweight) to a size 22 (very overweight) in just a year. After being on the steroids for 6-7 years the consultant took me off them and put me on Azathioprine. I haven't lost the weight gain - but I've felt a good bit better being on the Azathioprine. I still have regular flare ups but I seem to be coping a bit better. I think I've just got used to being tired all the time - so I tend to take power naps regularly. As you say when you have more than just lupus it is difficult to know what causes each symptom. I also have COPD and asthma, osteoporosis and hypothyroidism. Every time I go to the doctor they just say "Oh, it's the lupus. There's nothing we can do!" Anyway, I hope you feel a bit better soon. Norma xx
Mysotis and anti synthetase syndrome
Coeliac disease
Other in my case is Hypothyroidism
Also Sciatica
Palindromic Rheumatism, Goitre (nodules in thyroid gland), Epilepsy, Pulmonary fibrosis, Weakened muscles in Oesophagus and Vitamin D deficiency.
Besides S.LE, Sjogren`s Syndrome,and Autoimmune Arthritis, I`m at the moment in remission from Autoimmune Hepatitis. This is the first time I`ve commented on this forum, but I have read other peoples comments and it seems other symptoms they have ring true with me too. So who knows if I have other named conditions I don`t know about. Sometimes when being asked by a medical professional what other conditions I have, I sound like a right hypochondriac!
Interesting to see that someone else along with myself and Norma52 also has the AIH.....not finished scrolling yet so there may be more.....have you had AIH long and what came first? (Hope you don't mind me asking, am curious?) Julie x
I meant vitamin D deficiency lol having one of those days
Also joint hypermobility ( not sure if this is overlap) but was picked up consultant a few years ago.
I also have leaking heart valve.
Hypothyroidism, polymyalgia rheumatica
coeliac disease, neutropenia, sjorgrens, underactive thyroid, folate deficient.
At 61 I have a big list:
DES daughter reproductive organ birth defects inc adenosis & endometriosis
Ehlers danlos type hypermobility with paroxysmal haematomas
Punctuate keratoconjunctivitis + MBG dysfunction
Livedo reticularis & vascular skin rashes
Tendon tightening equines contracture + claw toes
Lichen Sclerosus
Lichen planus
Oesophagitis + gastritis
Complex persistent urinary tract infections + pyelonephritis
Lung fibrosis.
Polyneuropthic nerve disease and essential tremor
Asthma, Addisons, Migrine, type 2 diabetes I B S Sleep apnoea
Others are scleroderma pernicious anaemia osteopenia underactive thyroid nephritus.. Lupus vasculitus raynauds
Depression, discoid lupus, serositis, anaemia, leukopenia, migraines, blurred/double vision with zigzagging/flashing lights, hypothyroidism, livedo reticularis/vascular skin rashes, polymyositis, myalgia and arthralgia.
photosensitivity, regional hypermobility. allergic to anything my body takes a fancy to in a random manner. a herpes virus that needs daily medication to supress. just general soft tissue issues...migraine...the finishing touch seems to be athlete's foot
Hypothyroidism, scleroderma
I.T.P., Vitamin D Deficiency.
I have CKF (chronic kidney failure) caused by SLE.
O have lupus
Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I hope I can control it, I don't want to develop any new symstoms even bad enough to dignosed with lupus already.
As well as sjogrens and vasculitis I have hypermobility syndrome and pots.
I also had a kidney Transplant due to SLE. High blood pressure, vitamin d deficiency,depression and joint problems which I hate. It's makes my legs hurt, especially in the winter.
Autoimmune hepatitis (lupiod)
Coeliac disease
I have CMT
I have CMT and hypothyroidism
I have thyroid problems and CMT.
Small vessel Ischaemia, functional bowel disease, gluten fructose and fermentable carbohydrates intolerant, arrhythmia.
Crohns disease and hypothyroidism
Other: hypothyroid......and post menopause (mimics)....so far still finding out about my lupus...
Doctors have not confirmed Lupus, but I have many of the symptoms Lupus patients suffer including symmetrical red rash on cheeks and rashes about body that comes and goes; other symptoms from blood tests include thrombocytosis, anaemia that also fluctuates; thyroid problems - hypothyroidism from blood tests in 2009, but doctor then said my symptoms are more of hyperthyroidism; multiple chemical and food allergies; bleeding from the skin for no apparent reason and bruising for no apparent reason often in line down the outside of my arms from elbow to wrist.
There are many other symptoms including fogginess and extreme exhaustion for no apparent reason when I can just sit down in the day and find 3 hours has passed when I wake.
Doctors also suspected coeliac disease, but by the time they suspected it, I had given up gluten; in fact all grains and was feeling much better and didn't see the point of eating them again just to get sick again to be told I was coeliac and there was no cure.
Another time Crohn's was suspected by a consultant when I had diarrhoea for months and lost a lot of weight, although my GP thought it could be bowel cancer, as I had a large lump in my colon and was passing blood and food coming out as it went in, but the gastroenterologist felt I was too ill to undergo a colonoscopy.
I used natural approaches and still do for the symptoms as they arise and the gastroenterologist at the time gave his blessing to this, as he felt it was the right way for me.
I realise it may not be for everyone, though, but drugs just made symptoms worse for me and he accepted that.
Fibrosis of the lungs, hypothyroidism, dermatitis herpetaformis
Swollen throat affecting speaking. Breathing problems on some inclines, also on bending, but heart and lung tests clear, apart from ectopic beat and a miniscule hole in heart from birth of which I have never been aware.
I have marked other as well as some of the conditions listed. My other is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis ( leading to hypothyroidism). I also have Factor V Leiden.
I also have pulmonary fibrosis.
Pulmonary fibrosis
Sorry I forgot to mention vitamin D deficiency
Limited Scleroderma
Also Migraine, have had epileptic seizures in the past. Nose and eye bleeds. Rashes and extreme photo sensitivity. (Will throw up if I am in the sun for longer than half an hour). Mild agoraphobia. It is sometimes easy to forget the bad day happenings when it's a positive day!
Hypothyroidism and IBS
Hashimoto's thyroiditis , water melon stomach, lymphectasia in the small bowel. Gerd , gastritis.
Pernicious Anaemia, lupus psychosis, lupus related strokes and Sun sensitive skin, vitamin D deficiency, depression.
This illness has robbed me of my family life. Gourd on left sided weakness.
Psoriatic arthritis and Crohns overlapped with Lupus
It looks like you posted 6 years ago. How are you now? What was your main symptoms with Lupus? Meds? ...My menagerie began around 6 years ago also. With 3 other fun symptoms ie ; Depression, severe fatigue, and when on my feet for more than a few minutes ... my legs will shake so bad I can't stand up for at least an hour worth of rest. This last ailment happens 3 out of 5 times trying to walk.
We are now trying Humira. After 6 months, I may feel a 20% improvement, across the board. I should add less invasive ailments, but still debilitating : Gastroparesis, Asthma, and joints most affected ( shoulders, hands, and ankles )
I Hope You Are Better,
Oesto arthritis, Hypothyroidism, vit D defiency, fissures, bowel & stomach issues being investigated, reflux, depression, agrophobia, extreme tiredness, painful weak leg muscles.
Autoimmune hepatitis, graves disease, pericarditis
Lung fibrosis, sinusitis, pancreatitis, Hypermobility syndrome
Also Pyoderma Gangrenosum and sensitivity to light.
Also have ITP (lupus caused), low WBC, Hashimoto's syndrome (hyothyroidism)
Erythro melalgia, myositis
Also emphysema, hyper mobility, costochondritis & bursitis in elbows knees and hips.
Also muscle weakness in hands and legs vitamin D deficiency Sun sensitive
hypothyroid, barretts esophagus, osteoporosis,
Plus anemia,fibroids,non erosive arthritis, myositis.
Oral ulcers ,neutropenia,difficulty in swallowing, chronic migraine with vomiting(no warning),memory problems and sometimes problems with balance.nummular dermatitis,chronic constipation .
Dermatomyositis , GORD, Hiatus hernia , hypothyroidism .
My niece had Lupus. It's a nasty, nasty disease. Sadly she died young and nobody,
Doctors and alternative therapists, could find a complete cure. Hopefully, now that more people are aware of it maybe they can try more tests. I hope so for all the sufferers out there. This illness is not widely known about. It would be great if people found a group to go to, to share their experiences with others.
Fly the flag and let people know - one day there will be a way of managing it and hopefully there will be a cure.
Best wishes to all of you.
Liesel xxx
Hypothyroid, thyroid nodules, nodule on lung, IBS, hiatus hernia, iron deficiency anemia, hypertension, folliculitis, photosensitivity, back pain - wedge compressed fracture, cateracts, dysphonia.
Along with Sjorgrens and Fibro I also have AIH (Auto Immune Hepatitis)
I also have:
1. Elhers-Danlos Syndrome (Hyper-mobilityType)
2. Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
3. Recurrent Bouts of Shingles 50 times plus!
4. Recurrent Lung Infections/Pleurisy
6. Pulmonary Embolism (On Waufrin for Life)
7. Recurring Pneumonia.
8. Septicaemia.
9. Respiratory Failure
10. Collapsed Lungs (Pneumothorax)
11. ME/CFS
12. Intersternal Cystitis
13. IBS
14. Pernicious Anaemia (B12 Injections monthly)
15. Asthma
16. Lactose Intolerance
17, Chronic Depression
18. Anxiety Neurosis/ Panic Attacks
19. OCD (Obsessional Compulsive Disorder)
20. Session al Affective Disorder
21. Social Anxiety Disorder
22. Agoraphobia
23. Kidney/Bladder Disease
24. Osteoporosis
25. Raynauds
Serositis : inflammation of serosa covering lungs, hearts brain, intestines... Causes a lot of pain and fever
Serositis: inflammation of covering of heart, lungs, intestines, brain...
Hypothyroidism, epilepsy, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis (through steroid use) and loss of sensation in my lower legs (unknown reason.)
Ms and hypermobility syndrome
MS and hypermobility syndrome
I have various types of nerve pain which appear or get worse during flares - had my MRI and now waiting to see the Neurologist again.
With SLE at 33 after childbirth, I also got Dermatomyositis (DM is an autoimmune muscular "dystrophy"), severe Sjogren's w/o standard labs, but requiring procedures to close all 4 puncta to prevent corneal abrasion. The last regemin of Cytoxan, plasmapheresis, steroid boli, and IVIg were terminated by me due to difficulty in 2001. Decades of steroids left me chronic fractures, but an odd remission enabled me to care for my husband through 9 years of esophageal cancer until his death in 2011 ( he was 44 at discovery). Shortly after that, my (professional) singing changed due to unknown lung issues ( old fractures and fatigue remain). Still, so many in my place have died or had a steel halo to keep a broken neck in place--that I'm grateful! My rheumatologist retired, but I've somehow reduced steroids to 5 mg. and lost 75lbs of steroid weight. Only my PCP is following me right now, as a new rheumatoligist is hard to find here. Still singing in church!
Notice the low Vit D and GERD. Many studies link low D to autoimmunity. Trouble swallowing was my first symptom and husband's cancer was GERD-related. His ICU doctor said gerd/esophagus cancer is "an epidemic" in China (for unknown causes).
Connective Tissue Disorder
Discoid lupus, depression, hypothyroidism
Osteoarthritis and osteoporosis
Osteo arthritis
3 heart attacks 21st roles on dialysis for end stage renal failure due to lupus nephritis
Osteoporosis,osteoarthritis,Goitre-multi nodular non toxic.
other conditions--kidney problems, skin rashes.
B12 Anaemia, Telangietasia
Hughes, Lupus, Hypo Thyroid, Sjogrens, Psoriatic Arthropathy and Steven Johnsons Syndrome
I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia
I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia
I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia
I also have Disphagia and Myoclonic jerks.
Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritus.
Microvascular angina, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia, Degenerative Lumbar Disc Disease, Vit D deficiency, Hormone imbalance,
Ehlers danlos hyper mobility syndrome and had thyroid cancer 3years ago.
Vitiman D dificency multiple PEs on both lungs
Hypothyroid, autoimmune hepatitis, double vision, renal cancer, allergic skin rashes.
Mctd and copd
Hypothyroidism for 20 years - SLE Lupus Sjorgens Syndrome ?? Lupus nephritis current tests
Sorry forgot to say and joint hyper mobility but don't know that is part of this
I also have Celiac Disease.
Raynauds, just had a liver biopsy to see about AIH, bad sinuses though probably not related to my sle I also had Steven Johnson syndrome which we think might have been caused by medication treating sle but who knows!
Oh and I would say thyroid problems I seem to have every symptom but apparently my test is in the normal range I really thought it wouldn't be.
APS, Raynauds, Sjogren's, Vasc, Fibro, PCOS, IBS & MCT, also have elements of arthritis, polymyalgia & Polymyositis.
Not diagnosed with lupus. Have hypothyroidism, early menopause, depression, vitiligo, dermatitis Herpetiformis. Possible connective tissue disease, Relapsing Polychondritis.
Sjogrens and anti phospholipid syndrome
Have a Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma, never been able to spell that right. Osteoporosis, Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Sciatica
I have diabetes Insipidus muscle wasting PSC
Also hypothyroidism. I have a dual chamber pacemaker, due to electrical issues in heart and viral cardiomyopathy. Power port due to no accessible veins. Degenerative disc disease. Neuropathology & osteopenia
Under active thyiod
Marfan's Syndrome
Also S.L.E, Autoimmune Hepatitis, and just been diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver.( Update: I have now been told I do not have Cirrhosis of the liver after all, but being kept an eye on, supposedly!)
MS and degenerative disc disease
Anemia and Osteonecrosis in both knees.