Have you tried to claim Disability Allowance in t... - LUPUS UK


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Have you tried to claim Disability Allowance in the last 12 months?

Paul_Howard profile imagePaul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK209 Voters
No - have not tried to apply
Yes - but had to appeal
No - was denied
Yes - was easy to get claim
No - do not wish to apply
Yes - waiting to hear decision
38 Replies
largesse profile image

Daughter is going to try but not confident she'll get it.

RhondaB profile image
RhondaB in reply tolargesse

A lot of getting approved is your doctors notes. My doctor kept excellent note. He suggested I apply in 2010 but I just couldnt stand the thought of not working. Finally had to give in. I applied 10.29/11. On 1/24/12 got a letter saying Not only was I approved, but the took it back to my very first sick leave which was in aug 2011 & for 2 wks, this pushing my 6 months back. I got my first check March 5, 2012.

Also there's much more light begin shed on Lupus. Last year around June they put together a special unit aimed at getting Lupus claims pushed thur. They said it's taking to long and by the time most are approved their health has really suffered, insurance issues and not to mention financial strain, which we all know dosent help at all.

She can go on line, which is what I did. They tell you everything you will need, just make sure you have all the info and I suggest you do it all at once. It make take a while.

Good luck

purplemonster7 profile image

I've been trying to appeal for over a year and still waiting for another court tribunal date. I will keep fighting because I can not live the way I have been forced to without help.

Raspberry profile image

I received DLA for 3 years but was refused on renewal because the ATOS doctor completely misrepresented me, I thought the report was about someone else, I am now appealing!!!!!!!!!!

Kentish_Man profile image

I have received it for 4 1/2 years. Dreading having having a review of my status. No date yet, but do not need that additional stress/worry.

tiredmum profile image

I do receive DLA but it certainly wasn't easy to do. The forms are very long and in depth, and yes no answers won't get you anywhere. It took me over 2 weeks to complete the forms to ensure that every detail possible was on there, even if it meant repeating myself in different sections. Always remember to fill the form out on your worst day

MaryHolder profile image

I am considering it as have been off work for 12 months now (unable to work), but not sure how they view Lupus patients with regards to this - the forms seem to be very black and white with their questions which does not help!

Gillyg profile image

Just about to reclaim have the form to fill in but dreading it. Any suggestions on how to fill it in.

Blancanieves profile image
Blancanieves in reply toGillyg

Your local CAB will usually have specialist advisors who are trained to fill in the DLA forms in the way they should be done. They will also help with appeals if you are turned down.

Good luck!

Martine profile image
Martine in reply toBlancanieves

I am having real trouble in contacting my CAB, don't know where else to turn :(

Raspberry profile image
Raspberry in reply toMartine

Have you got a DIAL office near you, they will help you fill the forms in and give you advice.

ebril profile image

i applied for dla but was turned down because they told me they dont class lupus as a disability i was so upset I didnt appeal but will definately try and re apply again

mitchel profile image

i have been turned down 3 times for it now i have lupus & i have arthritis in my right foot & they say i sill dont get it some days i cant even walk the thing that makes me mad is the people who lie all the time get away with it they get it no problem but the the people who tell the truth get turned down all the time

schnauzersmudge profile image

I tried but was turned down 6 years ago. Am still working on reduced hours but cannot do this much longer, everything is a struggle and after having a new hip in September and although hip is much better, have osteo arthritis in same knee as new hip and stairs are a nightmare. I also have o a in feet and other hip, a walking disaster! I don't want people to think I'm a scrounger.

Lorelei profile image
Lorelei in reply toschnauzersmudge

It sounds to me as if you have suffered terribly! I don't think that anyone who really knows what you've gone through and what you're experiencing now would think of you as a "scrounger"! You sound as though you genuinely need and deserve help! If you have had a hip replacement surgery, it is clear that you have serious disease. I hope that you will apply for disability income...as many times as it takes! And I hope that you will see yourself as deserving and disregard the judgement of others. No one but you knows what it feels like to have your health problems!! Who cares what others think!

I wish you good luck with your application! I hope that you will find ways to feel better also!


NiksB profile image

was receiving DLA for 2yrs but then sent for a health assessment got big fat 0 so they sent me to jobseekers after a month on jobseekers i was sighned off sick probably stress and being round people got chest infection so appealled discision havent heard yet but i know its a rollercoaster you cant get off so i might win this round but who knows about next month/year.

If there arent enough jobs to go round for healthy people why pick on us, i would love to work and the job center only suggestions were to tap friends for a job, why not start a your own bussisness from hme, firstly i would not ask a friend for a job because if you are ill can you imagine ringing your was friend i cant turn up for 6 weeks!!!. To start my own business i have thought about it but taking boxes to a post offfice when you arnt well is mad let aloan i have come from a family business(not in business anymore) and it is hugh amount of work which goes into a fledgling business and i dont think i have the energy to do all that.

mitchel profile image

hi niks,i know what you mean they have done the same to me at the jobcenter i was sent for a assessment last may and i was sign'd off too i had a nurse who said that she couldn't find the arthritist in my foot and that she has never heard of lupus.i had an mri scan which found the arthritist in my leg i wouldn't let her touch my leg beause as soon as anyone touches me i came out in brusie's all the time that's how i found out that i have lupus.i was ask't to leave a job club because thay cant have me in there building because of health & safey.i was a sewing machinest for 25years and i cant even put do that any more they like to pick on the people who are ill .

Martine profile image

I am waiting for a date to go to tribunal to appeal for DLA and motability which was reversed due to a medical where a doctor assessed that I did not need both. Today they are coming to take my car away and also my independence. I have difficulty with walking and going out and now without my car I feel very isolated. I cannot understand a independent doctor can assess me in a hour when I have been living with SLE since I was 17 and I am now 42. :(((

tracyxx profile image

were do you start from? would like to try

kimmyw profile image

I applied for DLA but was turned down straight away the CAB said Lupus isn't a disability because it comes and goes. I have not worked for two years because of health problems, and had to have 3 operations in 13 months but my partner was working and I didn't like to claim benefits if I could avoid it. But my partner was made redundant last year so I tried to claim as he had to claim job seekers allowance which meant I had to as well. They said I was not allowed to look for part time work unless I was medically assessed so I went for assesment, (I have SLE, ulnar nerve neurophathy trigger finger in left hand, trigger thumb in right, depression, interstitial lung disease). They assessed me as unfit for work but still couldn't get DLA but I could get ESA. My partner had got a job by then but on a commision only basis so they then said as I had not woked for 2 years I could not get anything because the 25 years of contributions I have made dont count, only the last two years. So as I have been brought up to think of benefits as a last resort and did not claim straight away when I was first ill, I am now not entitled to anything. If I did not have a partner apparently I would get ESA payments

jothemoose profile image

I have read so much bosh on here it's unreal! The things you guys are told by jobcentre plus and various other so-called professionals is rubbish! Now, go to a website called benefitsandwork.co.uk. They are dedicated to helping people with sickness and disability claims. I and many others have found their help invaluable.To join it's about £18 a year, but they have a lot of stuff that you don't have to pay for. They tell you the right way to fill in both ESA and DLA forms.

So, please go to the site! I hate to see people done out of money they are entitled to!

kaw86 profile image

I was recommended DLA but i feel like a fraud, I have SLE and it comes and goes the rashes have worsen and cos i'm living with my parents I feel almost like normal. I feel I can never work a full time job and God knows i've tried! I've worked all the retail companies all ending up in me going due to sickness and depression. I get stressed over filling out soo much paper work. I gave up on ESA and went with jobseekers only to have them drag their heels for a month or so and still not paid!

Argh stressy times. Trying to get on with my illustration work who knows going freelance might be the answer just got to rely on the parents for now. :/ Though I am in debt and quite worried about that from education.

I feel thankful for my parents they can't afford to keep me really and to be honest i'm lucky I don't have a bad flare atm.

Oh God please give me strength! ( Good luck everyone!)

ginger_agg profile image

There is not a box for my situation - YES - applied still waiting.

Can it be added?

I am told you can wait at least 3months before a decision is made.

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK in reply toginger_agg

I've now added the option for you :)

heatherx profile image

i applied in march 2011 and was turned down. i have been awarded a blue badge, disabled bus pass and been awarded grants where you have to be classed as 'substantially and long term' disabled (for downstairs wet room, hand rails etc) my claim has gone for a tribunal hearing last sepember and am told im likely to get a date for the middle of may! 14 months after my original claim!

i have sle (lupus), psoriac arthritis, fibromyalgia and memory loss and brain inflammation. i have very limited mobility and also limited use in my hands, im unable to hold a pen etc as my fingers hardly bend. i have arthritis in every joint in my body including my jaw and back. i sent off 'overwhelming evidence' (says the CAB LADY) as proof from my rheumy, neurologist, gp, etc but have still been turned down. fingers crossed at appeal in may!

good luch everybody and dont give up, keep appealing and show the government were not beggars n scroungers where human beings with constant pain and various disabilities x

Raspberry profile image

I am awaiting an appeal date but there isn't a box for this.

JO_OD profile image

I'm in the US and I applied to Dis/SSID in America, first time when diagnosed and was turned down! Almost 10yrs later in my 50's I was finally given it. I was in nursing and could not lift patients anymore, hands would not hold and was pulling muscles in my back, let alone that I was catching every little virus that flew through the hospital, and they were nice and fired me, when they found out I had Lupus! That is what 40 yrs of working got me! So much for compassion on their part!

Hi all i today received my letter to say i do not qualify for DLA .....

traceyjean profile image

Hi everyone, i have been diagnosed with sle for five years and applied for dla in january, iwas awarded low rate care after eight weeks of waiting

mjk510 profile image

I live in the US and applied for Permanent Disability last year. I was approved right away. However, most of the people I know with Lupus have been denied. As someone else commented, I think doctor's notes are key to getting approved. My doctors sent over 500 pages of notes!!

Cateb profile image

Hi all, I have been diagnosed with SLE & fibromyalgia for 9 years. I struggle to walk very far and I get so tired all the time. I was turned down for dla last year and was so down about it I didn't appeal. I went back to see my GP as my depression had hit an all time low due to being turned down. Even my GP was surprised that I was turned down but unfortunately if you are honest like we all are you don't get any help and yet I know of people who tell so many lies and claim everything thats going. It's so unfair!!

Raspberry profile image

Just an update I have had my appeal and have had my DLA reinstated indefinately, so it is possible to win and prove ATOS were wrong!!!

Jinny profile image

i am awaiting my reply after disagreeing with the decision of i do not qualify!! i hope the letter i sent disagreeing with them is looked at properly,,as i don't think they all are!! i agree with Cateb,,the more honest we are the more we seem to be let down by the decision makers!!I know a man with a bad back,,he gets £500 a fort night and plays golf!!!!!!! all we are askingis alittle bit of help,,i have worked all my life and never asked for Lupus..Fibromyalgia,,MCTD, Raynauds.,,,other issues that they don't take into account,,the whole system is very unfair!!

I applied in 2009 and got it straight away at highest level, I knew it would get reviewed so I photocopied all the forms, I was reviewed in 2011 using the same forms, an ATOS Dr came to my house for a whole 5 minutes. I was turned down as apparently I can walk, dress have no mobility problems, and the illness does not change on a day to day basis!! Obviously I thought there was some mix up as this certainly is not my life. I appealed and was refused even with my GP writing to them to say there must be a mistake.

I re-applied last month and bombarded them with information, every DRs report I could get my hands on, witness statements from my family, friends and carer, test results and diary logs. I got awarded highest rate indefinately. Thank God as I really can not cope without it.

NiksB profile image

My DLA ran out in April 2012 after 365 days and I was told that is it unless I was entitled to income related DLA which luckily my husband works in London so I would not be untitled. I worked for 15years before my health stopped me. I pick up chest infections Easley so I'm quite isolated. I have signed sick notes since April and I have already gone through tribunal which we won but that make no difference the government moved the goal posts. Everything costs more, heating, prepared vegetables,food delivery, parking at hospital etc... I feel pived that at the age of 42 I'm unlikely to hold down a job I have 2 hospital visits next week and I had one today so even if I could clear that with an employer I wouldn't employ myself cos I can't be relied apone to be well enough to work even part time. I now might have a problem with my driving license cos I have tremors and my specialist said he would report me if I didn't, I know it's right but I will be even more isolated I have a scooter but not when it rains and about a 2 miles radius from our house, soon we will have to move to be closer to shops and transport. I hoped the 2012 games would mean I could get on trains in my scooter but not on my 2 local stations so I can now get off at London but can't board.....

Ok rant over sorry but that's my life.

jacqueline121 profile image

I've been on middle rate care and low rate mobility for a few years now. A couple of days ago i received a letter from DWP wanting me to give them a call. I rang them and they want me to fill in a questionaire and maybe go for an assessment with Atos. I was asked what other benefits i'm receiving. I'm terrified after reading so must about Atos and seeing the dispatches and panarama program. I have Lupus as well as other immune disorders, kidney and lung problems and Fibromyagia. Recently i have been diagnosed with a rapid irregular heart beat, but i'm still terrified i have to go through all the appeals etc. Why do they have to harrass people that are obviously sick? The system seems so unfair. Good luck to everyone

leebo profile image

Still trying to carry on working. To be honest as the years go by finding it increasingly difficult to work a full shift

pattismith profile image

Applied 2 years ago with the help from CAB filling in form with me . Was awarded Full Rate Disability and Middle Rate care. Just got the forms to re-apply so fingers crossed :)

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