Is this lupus? I,got,this after laying in the tanning bed and sun...
Is this lupus? I,got,this afte... - LUpus Patients Un...
Is this lupus? I,got,this afte...

Hi I have had lupus for a long time now and it does look very similar to the rash I get but it could also be a heat rash. Definately get it checked out. X

Do NOT use tanning beds. They are very dangerous. There have been health warnings regarding skin cancer.
It looks as if you have been burned. I recommend you urgently see your GP.
Be well!
Looks very similar to what I get on my upper arms and chest ,It's there for ages and keeps flaring up ?
It's on the top,of,my hand, knuckles, and also on my toes. It's been over 2 weeks. Still there, but not itching nearly as bad. Started as small blisters. It's still evident on my hands and toes. I should have my ana test results this evening. My mother has lupus as so did my grandfather. I already have hashimotos since I was 11 and now 33
Let's hope the Ana tests show what the problem is .I get lump type open sores on my arms they are there months also scar .let us know your results