This week, myself and several dozen other patients and caregivers will be meeting virtually with our congressmen, senators and their staff to request funding for research. We made it easy for you to participate.
Amplify the message and request $26 million for lung cancer research.
Make an immediate request by letter and/or tweet for more research funding by asking your House Representative to sign onto Representative Boyle’s Dear Colleague Letter by April 23.
GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer has submitted an appropriations request of an additional $26M (an increase above last year’s level) in the FY22 Appropriations Bill to increase the funding level for the Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP). The Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus Chair – Representative Brendan Boyle (D-PA) is leading our request and is asking that other Members of the House of Representatives sign onto a letter by April 23, urging the Appropriations Committees to provide increased funding level and special “Report Language” on lung cancer research.
Tell your U.S. Representative to Sign the Letter on Lung Cancer Research Funding Now!