Hello all, so ever since her lobectomy my mom has been dealing with runny nose and cough sometimes which i assume is normal. It is just dry cough. Also she had a feeding tube through her nose during the ICU induced comma for 2 weeks. Now 3 months later she is like a new woman. However, she has been having dry cough attacks randomly. Have any of you experienced this?
Dry Cough attacks: Hello all, so ever... - Lung Cancer Support
Dry Cough attacks

Also she goes to sleep and starts getting saliva in her throat and coughs alot. But thats it.
Good to hear she's like a new woman as she recovers from her surgery. Our body takes time to recover and sometimes minor symptoms can be something else. I had a couple of suspected recurrences in the 8+ years since my surgery and several have had me hospitalised - symptoms have included cough, dry throat, difficulty swallowing, severe breathlessness, heart irregularities, severe sudden weight loss etc etc - you get the picture... none have turned out to be related to the cancer but were chest infection, pneumonia, pseudomonas (an antibiotic resistant healthcare acquired infection), and this year hospitalised with a respiratory virus and put into isolation. Was/Is she allergic to anything? we're just coming out of pollen season and entering into the mould/spore season in the atmosphere and symptoms such as you describe can be allergen driven. Does she sleep propped up or is it when she lies flat that she coughs a lot? Worth getting checked out by a pharmacist or doctor just in case she has a respiratory infection or something. Did she have a cough or these symptoms before her surgery? All the responses will help a clinician make an informed diagnosis and reassure you/her whether it warrants treatment of any kind or is just a normal response to the major surgery her body has experienced. good luck.
Hello, well I am so glad you have not had recurrence in the past years! And continue wishing you the best. She did not cough prior to her lobectomy. Well she did for 3 days with blood which is how she went to ICU and induced comma. Anyways, they always listen to her lungs before dyalisis treatments , so i guess that helps. Also, she had an x ray about 2 months ago and everhthing seemed fine. We wilk keep her in check. Thank you!
I had a lobectomy in June. For the next 2 months I had a dry cough and running nose. Both have resolved. My surgeon told me it was liquid in my remaining left lobe trying to heal.
After my second LC surgery I had a dry cough, worse when I laid down. I slept in a recliner for about a month.
Have you or your mom mentioned the cough and runny nose to her doctor? If not, maybe you should. Just to make him/her aware.
I also have a dry cough since my lobectomy 4 years ago. Also have a runny nose, but do have allergies. Let your doctor know so he/she can listen to your lungs. The main thing is to keep them clear. Hope this resolves soon. Jean