How many of you are at home watching TV? I have no energy to do more than light housework. Is this normal? I have lost my voice and so I have no urge to see anyone, my family understands me through the raspiness. But I am comfortable. Am I the only housebound person on this site?
Activity level: How many of you are at... - Lung Cancer Support
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You are not alone. I always said I can be miserable by myself. Cancer is a lonely disease and that's ok. I faked it for years while I worked through treatments. Finally I walked away from my job and accepted my new normal. Filed for disability. 18 months later I just got approved. Just found out cancer back, start immunotherapy January 4th. As my sister said take some time to smell the roses. Luckily I had enough $ to get through until approved. Hand it over to god.
I don't want to be around any one I don't have to put a smile on my face
When I am so scared they don't
I am sure nobody expects you to smile. You would be surprised how much people care if you just let them. How long have you been sick. What kind of lung cancer do you have?
This is thee times it started out in my colon went to liver and now my
Lungs I have lived 17 years with this
Fight god has blessed me
😘💖🎅Merry Christmas. Sending love and light. God bless you!!!
Hello, I do believe it's normal but I push myself to get out and see people and do things, even if for just a couple of hours a day. Sometimes it's a tough decision but I do get out and feel better for it.
I am thinking I need to do that. Its hard because I lost my voice so people treat me like I am really sick and contagious. Do you tell people you have Cancer?
No you aren't the only housebound person here, I only go out for appointments, monthly grocery shopping. I find that when I go out in the public I get an infection, so I'm better off staying home. I haven't been to church in a year, I miss it and my church family so much.. During the summer months I try to get out and walk at least 45 minutes at least 3 days aweek, but can't do it during cold weather. On good days I do housework but those days are far and few between lately.
As for your voice you need to call the doctor as it could go into the lungs, you may need an antibotic.
I am so glad you are listening to your body and resting quietly when you need to do that - our bodies know what they need to heal!
But, it is also good to hear you say that you think you might need to get out now and again. Most of us are proud and private, and so it is hard to share a diagnosis with others, so, as Rivs mentioned, find what works for you. You are a fighter, and most people will respect the strength it must have taken for you to get out of the house for awhile. I am guessing that folks will just be glad to see you!
You have the right to enjoy the world - don't let anyone stop you!
I was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer in 2010. I went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The following year I had radiation fibrosis and had to take prednisone for 10 months. It's been almost 7 years and I'm still extremely fatigued and only go out when I have to. I find that most people do not understand why I don't get out more. I also have terrible insomnia. I'm up 2-5 times per night.
I also find it very difficult to breathe in the cold weather so I always have to wear a scarf when leaving the house. I live in Colorado and I believe the altitude plays a huge role in my inability to breath better than I do and have more energy each day.
How have some of you learned to except the new you? This is something I still have real issues with. That and the chemo brain.
Thanks, Linda
I hate being up alone in the middle of the night and I find Facebook helpful. I also play word games on my phone.
You are not alone ,the symptons you spoke of comes in the package deal you made. (Just kidding) i have had the same thing i also lost all my hair between monday and tuesday. Just keep asking questions someone will answer.
Did you just lose your hair? What treatment are you on?
Monday i had hair and mustache fridayi have none, was told the chemo i am on is very bad, i am quickly understand why.
Enjoyabull. so it seems I feel the same way and I imagine some of the others do too. so don't feel bad about it. Jo
@Enjoyabull its nice getting to know you better even if its about our illness. You are a fighter and a strong person you will get used to your new normal. We will all be here with you. You won't be alone. I always say keep fighting don't give up. You have a Guardian Angel she is beside you she will always be there with you. I care Jo Taylor
Thank you for caring. Its nice getting to know you too and everyone else. You are very nice to reach out to me. I am slowly accepting my new normal and my next step is to try to get off of all these pain meds. This way I am not in a fog all the time.
I had to get off my meds also,opioid and lyrica, i also have neuropathy in both legs and feet it geets verr hard at times.
How did you get off of the opiods and deal with the pain? If I skip one dose I couldnt deal with it.