I just wanted to introduce myself and I am excited to be part of this group. Asthma can be very scary and lonely at times. Having a group to support each other and lift each other up is a very beautiful thing.
Excited to be joining this wonderful group - Living with Asthma
Excited to be joining this wonderful group

Welcome Melodyp!! You're in good company. I understand the fear. Fear of the unknown. What's next? Will I feel better, regain stamina. Medicines, doc visits, tests... How did I get here? And how do I learn to live with this??? Ugh. Just so much at first.
I am no professional, but looking back a couple of years, I would have used breathing and minfullness tools right from the start. Not a cure. Definitely a way to gain control over the flare and stamina building used regularly. Trick is to practice so it comes natural when you need it.
Hugs and prayers!!
Hey welcome to joining the group asthma can be scary and difficulty to handle. But when finding the right doctors they help you manage and find something that agrees with your body
Glad you located this site! Everyone here feels the exact same way about this site as yourself. Do not be afraid now as SOMEONE here, to include me will always be able to steer you in the right direction.

Welcome to the group & I hope you find all the help & support you need. None of us have all the answers, but we all know just how you feel!
Too true! You’re very welcome, melodyp.
I know how you feel and I swearing this group has been a life line
I was diagnosed with asthma less than a year ago. I find this group very helpful and supportive. I find asthma a bit scary.