For me it was taking a long walk in the rain.
Hi there people! What has been the hig... - Living with Anxiety
Hi there people! What has been the highlight of your day?

Hello Starrlight
You enjoy walking in the rain ?
OK then mine is slightly odd maybe but my highlight is that I have had my room curtains down , done a good clean and it smells lovely just how I like it , I actually get a thrill from things like this , said it was weird but never mind better to be different than all the same
Take Care x

Oh I get that Lulu! I love love love a good cleaning especially with the clean smells but i could use getting motivated more often. Any tips are welcome.
Yup I’m a pluviophile; a rain lover. Rain cleans my car and patio for me! And rain is a shelter from people when I venture out.
O I like that a shelter from people never thought of it that way
Tips get up and just say , you are going to go for it
I have ocd to be honest so I don't get much choice as it always wins grrr
Hope the rest of your day is a good one x

Oh yeah the ocd sets in with me often too. I usually go too quickly and don’t get that deep clean. Well I am happy to say you inspired me to focus my energies on cleaning deeply one square at a time and I am adding essential oil to my soap to mop with so it’s extra good therapy!
O you are so posh you are , essential oils hey
Will smell beautiful x

Am I? How nice!
I absolutely love a good clean too Lulu x well done! X
getting my paper !doing the crossword whilst having my pint !
Thought you said you has stopped drinking Peter x

By saying a pint could be cider or could be beer right?
Yes usually it is or some do have a pint of orange juice as well sometimes but doubt that is what Peter had


just one lulu ! i dont smoke ,do drugs ! bet ! we all have something that keeps us sane !
We certainly do x
Sounds like the perfect day! X

yes hope !! i find a nice corner in a pub and dont annoy anyone !
For me it was my mum coming over and spending the day...
And also when me and my hubby started to run round in circles in the living room without a word or planning to ... just to confuse our cat and watch her head bobble round and round looooool hahaha!!!! I started to do it and he just quietly but quickly joined it ! Oh gosh we had a long laugh afterwards! Lucky cat ey with us as entertainment!
Glad you enjoyed your walk... did you sing though!? 🎶 ☔️ 😆

Ha funny ya know now since you were laughing it up you shall live longer! Oh hmmmm I may be shy to sing in the rain even with no one watching... I must try and change that though because it sounds like fun.
Wishing you more highlights tonight!
So nice Hope reading your highlight , lovely to hear you having fun and laughing after what you went through a few weeks ago , lucky cat and a lucky hubby I think as they have you x
Hi Starr
The highlight of my day was sorting out my spare room and getting rid of lots of stuff and also moving my dressing table from the spare room to our bedroom. It’s looking good
Also as always another highlight has been having time to spend with my little doggy, she makes every day have happiness in it when I am with her. 💕💕
Another would be having a giggle with my mum while the speech therapist was around this afternoon. It’s nice to see her laugh 💕💕
Hope your day has been ok. I do like the rain so your walk sounds nice and refreshing😊xx
Woah that’s all great stuff. I love getting rid of what I don’t need and having a clean space.
What kind of dog is she?
I love that you giggled with your mum. My mom gets very giggley a lot especially when she looks in the mirror
Thanks my day was pretty great, can’t complain
Yes I have been organising a lot this week as have been feeling anxiety levels have been higher.
She was sold as a cavashon which is a cross between a King Charles spaniel and a Bichon frise. She however doesn’t look like any other of this breed, we think she has shih tzu and bichon frise in her she’s beautiful and has a great little character 💕💕
Yes moments of laugher mean a lot and are so precious 💕
Hope your day today will be as good as it was yesterday ❤️
thats lovely , thanks for sharing x