What other sedating antidepressants ar... - Living with Anxiety
What other sedating antidepressants are there instead of Mirtzazapine as this has put over a stone of weight on?

I am not sure what other ones you could take but if the ones you are on are causing you weight gain & its getting you down , I would go back & see my GP & tell them & ask them what else you could try that might not cause this , they would be the best ones to advise you
Let us no how you go on

Thanks I went to my doctor and instead of changing straight away he said I had to reduce my dose for 45mg to 30mg and go back in a month while checking my weight but if my depression came back worse that I will have to change completely. Hope this works.
Your GP sounds very good , that is what they would normally do & I hope you feel reassured that one way or another this will get sorted out for you & once it does if its the meds causing the weight gain m it will all drop of again
I no it might be upsetting in the mean time , but keep thinking this will be resolved , your GP is taking you seriously with this
We are always here to listen , so keep posting when ever you like

ok I will, I am just off out to go to my CBT Therapist for the first time alone on a bus, extremely anxious but she will meet me at the other end. Wish me luck.
Good luck
Well done for taking this big step !
Let us no how it goes

Today I went to see my Therapist on the bus alone for the first time extremely anxious but she met me at the other end and I showed her the rest of the way and I got it right. So proud of myself feeling very happy at the moment.
So you should be proud of yourself , well done , I am really pleased for you !
Maybe you could have a little treat tonight as a reward
Thats real good news , thank you for coming on & telling us

hi darkangel, my o/h is in mirtazapine for 8months now, she has put on about 9lb in weight & has been so worried about it as has not been eating very much at all, she now takes 25mg one night then 50 the other, she has no side effects over the last 4 weeks, seems like the doc has got it right for you, hope it works out.xxx

I hope so too as I am going to the gym and getting out more and eating the same so fingers crossed.