My odd story: My partners got tested... - Living Well with HIV

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My odd story

4 Replies

My partners got tested and were both negative. I have no idea how I got it. I dont do drugs, or drugs that use needles. I dont drink. I'm not promiscuous. All I know I woke up one day with a lot of hand and bite marks all over my body, and I was very very weak. After two days, I knew something was very wrong, I called the ambulance. I got dressed to try and meet them on the 1st floor of my building, I'm on the second floor, but I fainted, and fell down the steps. I woke up hours later In the emergency room. They kept saying who assaulted me, and I kept telling them no one, I'm single. I was home alone. The cops were even called. Long story short, they said i was viciously assaulted and i had a sepsis infection. All of this in a night. Out of nowhere. They gave me antibiotics for two days, then they came and told me I was positive. They keep trying to get to tell them who beat me up, but I kept saying I was fine when I went to bed. I was released after 9 days. I have been positive for a while, and ive had less than 10-20 copies. Undetected for a while. But I still wake up with hand marks and bite marks. My doctors say I might be doing it in my sleep, but highly unlikely because the bites and marks are on my back and neck and on my sides, in places impossible for me to reach. Plus I'm sensitive to pain, if i grabbed myself that hard or bite myself I would wake up. They don't know. I don't know. So I deal. I am a soul of a different origin. I've had some weird stuff happen in my life that has made me feel oddly out of place on earth. Although the nature part of this planetary environment is beautiful, the society that dwells within is detrimental to the natural order and laws. Such pain and hurt in such a beautiful, scenic place is dsyfunctional. I hope I can help someone here with who I am. This part of my journey has just begun. If anyone wants to just chat or unload some burdens that just having someone listen and understand, I'm here. Lots of love and peace of mind to all who read this and also to those who don't.

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4 Replies
0072005 profile image

Wow , did you hv blood transfusion? The hiv won't just show in ur system . Perhaps you got drugged and most likely raped . Sorry my opinion. Your story is sad and quite touching and i can't phantom why bad stuff happen to good people . Stay strong !

in reply to 0072005

Thanks, but I'm good. And I would know if I had a blood transfusion lol, and the marks have been happening for years. No one drugged me, lol. Plus I don't drink alcohol like that. Im always alone when these marks show up. When I was younger me and my friends would never let someone give us a drink, and if we left the table and our drinks to dance or go to the bathroom, we never drank the rest of that drink because it might have been tampered with, so no drugging hun. I'm aware that my story sounds out there, but its the truth. My doctor said I'd be undetected maybe in 4 years or more, but I became undetected in less than a year. I've had several other doctors and they are amazed at how my status changed so fast. I told them i use visualization. The marks I keep getting are something totally different.

Rob04 profile image

I really enjoyed reading your story. I found out about my status 4 years ago and to me it was a shock because I was not a promiscuous person it just a shocker still but I get through my days. I'm also undetectable. I just hate going to my doctor in my home town because I feel like I'm being judged and people don't even know me

in reply to Rob04

I know how you feel. Whenever I go outside I find myself wondering who else has it? Who else is dealing with their secret? Am I the only one on this street or in this store that carries this stigmatic scar? But the survivor in me says, without this you'd be healthy as a thoroughbred race horse, so buck up, chin up, nothing will break me. I have my days, but then i say, dammit I have the right to live. So hugs and love to you all. Your wonderful, and amazing to even be strong enough to open up here. You jumped this hurdle, the rest, take in stride. WE WILL BEAT THIS. Much love to you rob04. 💖💖💖

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