So………could you have a fatty liver?
No doubt, many of us are walking around with a fatty liver, but are completely unaware of the fact.
Just because we may not suffer from any pain or discomfort in the liver area, doesn’t mean to say that our livers may be struggling a little.
A poor diet, lack of exercise, as well as other factors, including consuming alcohol and taking medications, can lead to some nasty fatty infiltrations in the liver.
A fatty liver is mainly diagnosed on an ultrasound scan, where the liver may appear ‘bright’.
One of the main contributory factors in the development of fatty infiltrations, is having too many triglycerides in our diet, and that, along with a lack of regular exercise, can be quite disastrous for this vital organ.
For those people who appear to be slim and not carrying too much excess weight, we could refer to as TOFI (Thin Outside, Fat Inside), if indeed they do have a fatty liver, and possibly fat around the liver and other organs (visceral fat).
Subcutaneous fat is fat that is stored under our skin, whereas, visceral fat is found in the abdominal cavity.
The liver itself doesn’t have any nerve endings, but the sheath that surrounds it (Glisson’s capsule) is rich in nerve endings. Therefore, when the liver becomes inflamed, it will outstretch and irritate the sheath, which in turn, will send signals of pain and discomfort to the brain.
It is therefore, so very important to make sure that you are treating your liver with the respect that it deserves. It is working hard 24/7, and will only put up with so much abuse and assault.
Some people may have a familial predisposition for increased levels of both triglycerides and cholesterol, so, they will have to work harder at keeping these levels low.
If you feel that you could make improvements with your lifestyle, but need some support and motivation, please feel free to contact me, either through here at HealthUnlocked or at:, or from our website