I am new to this forum and did not know how this works but thought I would share my current situation I am a new father of two beautiful girls my wife and I had to delivery early due to complications with one of our babies blood flow before giving birth we had a blood test from my wife which should trisomy 21 because of twins we did not know if it was both or just one. After a uncomplicated c section just being early at 26and4 I had two daughters Baby A: Elizabeth Daisy, 1lb 13.3oz, 3:39pm. Baby B: Catherine Irene, 2lbs .1oz, 3:42pm. My baby Elizabeth was having all sorts of issues blood clotting, blood pressure, breathing, liver swollen and brain bleeding, finally on day 2 and blood test she was diagnosed with acute leukemia because of her white cell count being out of control we have started treatment with Cytarabine she has responded good to treatment but her kidneys are still not working like they should. I have faith but it is hard I have posted a few times now and it has been therapeutic for me to communicate emotionally as I don't really do this with my amazing home support group. I am a little unsure what I am asking for but wanted to share my journey I am on day 4 and still going thank you for letting me share.
Unfortunately my Elizabeth needed more time then her body could provide I am at peace knowing that she helped get her sister out before they both were in danger I know she is watching over all of us I miss her so much already and am trying every day to keep going as my Catherine is doing great am is improving her feeds and I will possibly be able to hold her soon if she keeps fighting. Thank you all for the support and prayers and encouragements. I hope I can pass the same energy and encouragement on to others in need just as you all have.