Hi all, you are invited to join us for this webinar hosted by Lymphoma Action and Leukaemia Care,
We will be focussing on how you can get the most out of your appointments, however they are happening and at whatever stage they are at in their in your journey. You can register and submit your questions here: lymphoma-action.org.uk/your...
Guest panel
Dr Pam McKay - Consultant Haematologist at The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow
Charlotte Bloodworth - Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) for Lymphoma, University Hospital of Wales
We will also be joined by two people living with a blood cancer diagnosis
"Many people with blood cancer have experienced a change in how their condition has been treated and managed over the course of 2020. Whilst some people have been having telephone or virtual appointments, some have been attending hospital appointments when needed. Many people have been in touch with us, and have expressed concerns about the management of their condition, about access to healthcare services, and how any changes could impact on the outcome of their treatment. Alongside this, some people may not always feel involved or in control of how their condition is managed and treated, and may not feel able to take a more active role in their condition.
Our webinar aims to:
look at the current landscape for medical appointments in the UK;
share experiences of face-to-face and remote appointments, from healthcare professionals and individuals;
share hints and tips for getting the best from any appointment; and
identify triggers for when to get back in touch with your medical team"
An important topic to ensure you get the best from your care,
Best wishes