Posts - LDN Research Trust | HealthUnlocked

LDN Research Trust

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All posts for December 2018

New user. How long for effects to take in

Hi I just started LSN 1mg 2x a day today for severe arthritis, degenerative disk...

LDN Dosage for Ovarian Cancer

Hi I'm lookin for this information for my mother, basically just been informed s...
MOLLYPOPPY profile image

LDN and Stem Cells

Does anyone know how LDN and umbilical cord stem cells interact?
roskaspi profile image
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Crippling nervous tension and anxiety

Hi folks. I started taking LDN in the summer for CFS, 1.5mg per day. After 2 wee...
jaybravo profile image

What time to take LDN when working midnight shift?

I have a job in which I switch from day shift to midnights every two months. Whe...
BobbaFoo profile image

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