Can I ask for some thoughts,advice wise words for my particular concern, I am sure I would feel better,be healthier if I was about 3 stone lighter,I love the LCHF way of eating, I can see the sense, read everything I can about it, have some great books which I read cover to cover,and some of the members on this forum have so much knowledge and advice I am overwhelmed with their suggestions,but I sabotage myself,I do well for a week,good loss,really pleased with loss and am relieved that I followed the plan, then I revert back to foods almost on purpose,I do this regularly, now after a gain in lockdown I am starting to get angry and disappointed with myself, I am thinking I should do another plan to just lose something, surely any loss is better than gaining,I did do the wonderful plan by The angry toad,such knowledge !again a week and bam again,is this a common occurrence ? Its the non commitment I cant seem to do,would anyone agree some loss is better than non, or does anyone has more tips to get me to LCHF where I believe I want to be.
All in the mind ?: Can I ask for some... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
All in the mind ?

Well ... realistically, only you know why you do it, and you'll probably find the answer if you sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself. There are a few possibilities I can think of:
- You're not eating enough. People from a 'calorie counting' or 'portion control' background often find it terribly hard to eat proper adult sized meals again. The upshot is that they're never really full, and the bingeing sets in. That "one week and I'm done" thing is almost always associated with genuine hunger (or lack of some specific macro/micronutrient).
- You've still got carby snacks/meals in the house, perhaps "just in case", or for other family members? If it isn't there, you really can't eat it.
- You're being too hard on yourself. This isn't a competition. Nobody's holding up scorecards. Are you perhaps punishing yourself because you think you deserve it for being 'weak-willed'? Do you have some history there that's still bothering you - for example, were you a chubby kid who was taunted? There might be something buried deep that you need to sort out.
- Did you take the time to learn a new set of recipes? LCHF meals look quite different to the typical British fare, and learning how to make tasty LCHF food demands a bit of experimentation and practice.
I'd just add: what other plan do you have in mind that would work better than LCHF? Would you be any more likely to stick to it? Would the weight actually stay gone forever? If the answers are "dunno", "no", and "no", then your next move is fairly clear - you need to get into the healthy-eating habit somehow (aka LCHF) because there aren't any other options.
Do you want to sketch out roughly what you eat during the week, before it all goes pearshaped? It might turn out that there's something really simple that needs adjusting.
Many thanks for your reply,I did have a read last night and am interested in what you say,I have read some of your other posts and appreciate your time.I have always eaten fair sized portions,I dont eat much processed food,no pizzas MacDonalds,packet soups,frozen dinners etc, I do a lot of my own cooking from scratch,spag bol,chilli, and use fresh veg and meats,basically I have been cutting out the obvious,rice pasta, potatoes, noodles,bread,cakes,sweets crisps.
I prepare meals with vegetables as usual then leave off my plate the rice pasta etc,my breakfast has been bacon cooked in coconut oil and tomatoes,I have not been following any recipes at all,lunch can be an omelette,I do get hungry sometimes but thought this is what I would expect on any eating plan that is different to my usual way of eating.I havent had a look at any LCHF meals and what to prepare.
I have carby snacks in doors for my other half,but when I'm in LCHF mode they dont bother me,I dont drink alcohol at all,in my youth it gave me headaches so I just stopped drinking it !
My other plan to lose weight would have been SW,did this about 20 years ago and was succesful for about a year,I see that if I dont work out the LCHF plan that I wont do any better on another plan,I just felt that at the present all I'm doing is thinking about it but doing nothing ! I thought get rid of some weight and then re look at LCHF.
I am a believer in LCHF,to me it makes so much sense,but would say that I'm not doing it properly for me to live with it at present,I feel I have skimmed the subject but not got the basics ingrained in me,I have read a lot on DD,feel I need to start again.
Thank you for your time.
hmm. It sounds as if you're doing it right, although I would encourage you to read around and build up a new repertoire of LCHF recipes. Some of them are kind of obvious (ie., "normal" meals with the carbs missing) but many fall into the "oh, I wouldn't have thought of that" category.
Reading between the lines (and your other responses) it does seem as if you're not eating enough. In particular, make sure that you're loading up your plate with veg. And if you're hungry, then eat. Eat until you're properly full. Many people find this completely counterintuitive, but as long as you eat something that provides fat-calories rather than carb-calories (and preferably some of the pure bulk that comes with veg), it's all good.
That's not to say that it's "bad" to be hungry, or to go long periods without eating. As you become fat-adapted you'll find yourself going longer between meals, or maybe skipping them entirely. But that's way down the line, when your bodyfat has reached a low level. Right now, you need to give your body some "food security" to trigger it into discarding fat that it no longer needs.
Can you pinpoint exactly how it all falls to pieces? What's the process? Maybe you don't need to explain it all here if you don't want to, but if you can identify some weak point - some specific action or train of thought that throws a spanner in the works - you can just stop doing that, and the self-sabotage will never occur. If you can stick with it for a couple of months without going off the rails you'll see start seeing real weightloss in the mirror, and that should keep you motivated to continue.
Many thanks again for your time and help, I see you are an early riser like me,I get into working at home early then can finish early ! I am going to look at the recipes on DD and some of the other websites today,in order to add to the basics I do,and give me more choice with food,my falling to pieces is when Ive done well,one week I lost 4 lbs, and I think I thought I'd done well and deserved a treat,then ate the wrong thing,felt guilty and left it for a few days,then realised what a twit to work hard and then ruin it,I am going to have a good old recap on information I have and make a fresh start,again thanks for your time,I do appreciate it.
LOL ... interesting! Can I suggest you continue to "treat" yourself occasionally, but do it in a LCHF-compliant way? Perhaps a fancy steak dinner and a bottle of good wine to share with your OH, topped off with (say) a serving of proper Greek yoghurt with nuts and a little honey? It's not totally "keto", but the glycemic load is low enough that it shouldn't affect your progress. Not too often, of course!
Actually I'm a late riser ... I'm just in a time zone 8hrs ahead of you
Just keep going, it takes time. Perhaps borrow some books from library like about motivation or something? Do you really want to change your habits so that you can finally lose that weight, or do you want a magic spell so you can eat and drink like you always did yet still magically get results? 😬 I’m treating each week as a fresh start; looking back on each week - what went well what could have gone better, etc.
Thank you for taking the time to reply,I think have been looking but not seeing the LCHF plan clearly and need to get some homework done,I was getting fed up with not doing anything at all and thought a different eating plan might refresh me and spur onto LCHF,as you say each week is a fresh start,I'll need to apply myself.
It’s ok, we are here to try and support each other. Yes it’s a big change to reduce carbs, and so many of our typical meals and snacks / treats are based around flour and sugar and potatoes... I just keep experimenting with recipes. Some are disappointing, some are not too bad after a few tries. I just need to keep trying, new (to me) vegetables, new meal ideas, new spices etc. Good luck with the fresh start 😊
I agree with what has been said - especially making sure you are actually eating plenty. Don't go hungry. Lots of veg and meat with fat, plenty of cheese and butter. Eat until you are not hungry at each meal.
Then - try really hard to find some recipes or simple things to eat that you really enjoy, so it doesn't feel like being "on a diet". You don't need to follow any plan exactly, and/or experiment with dietdoctor recipes, without feeling restricted.
Don't get upset or angry with yourself, just keep going, and don't worry about losing weight fast - slowly is just as good and can make it easier to keep it off.
Thank you for your reply,I havent looked at any recipes,I have looked at basic meal plans to give me an idea,I had thought leaving out the basics bread,noodles,rice,pasta etc would be good enough,I need to have another read up on the basics,theres no doubt in my mind that LCHF is the way to go,I just have to get the rest of me to think the same,me getting angry was really I am the answer to my problem and I'm doing little to resolve it.
Cutting out those obvious carb foods is certainly a big part of it, but if that is all you do, and you don't replace them with plenty of good food, you will be hungry and unhappy! That will make the whole thing impossible to keep up. Have a read around on here (especially some of The Awful Toad's posts giving suggestions and the reasons behind them. Also look at dietdoctor, and their explanations.
Hey, there, mudgiebananas
I am going out on a limb here, and say that you are sugar addicted. Remember that alcohol is just fermented sugar, and if I change just a few words in your original post
myself,I do well for a week,good loss,really pleased with loss and am relieved that I followed the plan, then I start drinking again, almost on purpose,I do this regularly, now after a gain in lockdown I am starting to get angry and disappointed with myself,
I don't think we would be sharing platitudes about really wanting it. When you have a monkey on your back, what you want and you are capable of doing are not the same things.
I am going to suggest you watch a couple of videos. Even if you have seen them before, watch them again. Really reflect on them. You may conclude you aren't addicted, despite your addictive behaviour - but really tease that out for yourself. Because if you are addicted, you are going to have to deal without before you can get well.
I wasn't addicted to sugar,so I haven't trod your path.
This is meant with love. I hope it seems so to you.
Thank you for your reply,please dont worry about any limbs,any new idea,thoughts are all appreciated,you may well have a point,the sugar addiction isnt something I've given any thought to,dont know if it runs in families, my Father was an alcoholic,perhaps its filtered down to me,its an interesting point,I will have a look at the 2 videos,I recognise both of the faces,Robert Lustig was the first speaker to catch my eye on You tube about 2 years ago,I think I've been looking at LCHF as an easy run,but theres obviously much more to it,like not seeing the woods for the trees,so tonight my evening viewing will be the videos !
Excellent. I watched Bitten Jonnson's one and by the end I was convinced sugar addiction was real, and that I didn't suffer from it. If you think it is true for you, it's going to be tough. But you need to know your enemy before you can fight it.
As for your dad and you? I suspect there's a connection. A very close friend has been obese since childhood, her mother was an alcoholic and moved to prescription drugs. I think my friend's problems come from that, whether it's a shared addiction personality, or just a response to the environment, I do not know. I can't ask my friend, as she loves her mum and cares for her. Mum is now in her 80s or 90s and free of substances.My friend is still obese, and has had her bariatric surgery reversed after too many problems.
I am not sure if that is helpful, but.... 🤷♂️
I’ve struggled with weight issues from being very young. I was bullied as a teenager for being overweight, and, so I lost weight, I put it on again after I had my son, but lost it again.
However, I follow a low carb diet now rather than the previous eating plan I was on WW.
Low carb, works for me, but, I still have my food demon thoughts, and like you I sometimes blow it after my efforts.
Since lockdown I’ve been listening to podcasts from a lady called Kirstin Sarfde. Stop binge eating.
Each episode covers things associated with binge eating, sabotage and your thoughts.
I think you may benefit from listening to her as it’s free.
I don’t normally listen to things like that, but I had a word with myself and something has to change.
I have to say that since listening to her, and, I’ve still have more too listen too, it is really helping with the way I think about food my relationship with food.
Best wishes & good luck
Thank you for your reply, I was a skinny child, my weight only started to appear in my forties, and I think my lazy attitude to it has meant it continued to grow and I didnt take any action until years afterwards, and now need to apply myself. I firmly believe in LCHF compared to other eating plans, from other replies I've received, looks like I need to read properly and digest, your suggestion of the pod cast sounds interesting,not something I knew about or indeed would have thought of thank you for that, its a different approach for me,best wishes to you.
Hi Mudgiebananas,
Sorry that I am a little late in replying.
It might have been said already, but just to let you know...after a few days (maybe a week) of cutting out the bad carbs from your diet, you will find it easier to stick to, ie, less cravings.
If I can do it, anyone can; I have lost around 4 Stone since this time last year.
Hopefully see you around on the forum.
Shield 🛡
Many thanks for your reply,not late at all, I enjoy reading all the different angles people are looking at for me,its good to see that I am on the right path or that someone can provide a thought Ive not considered, my main thought was Im doing a lot of thinking but not doing,and as I do nothing the weight is creeping on,Ive looked at some receipes and am getting more in the right frame of mind,and the push is from my friends here,once again,thanks !