Other than myself, has anyone had genetic testing done to see if you carry the gene for kidney cancer? My oncologist is also a geneticist and had me tested and my tumor also, due to the fact several family members have had kidney issues but no cancer. I have the gene so I will be watched a lot more closely than normal.
GENETIC TESTING: Other than myself, has... - Kidney Cancer Sup...

I did have genetic testing of my blood but it was 10 years ago. It was all negative. I’m not sure how sophisticated it was at that point in time.
I had genetic testing done because I had zero risk factors and zero family members that I knew of who had any kidney issues. All of the genes tested were negative which eased my mind for my children.
I am so happy for you and your family, you have a great burden lifted off your shoulders. My family has a history of renal problems, from so many stones(my father who only urinated blood with no pain) to my uncle having been born with one functioning kidney, who ended up being transplanted. So for me ending up with cancer was a conundrum to my urologist. I had been seeing an oncologist for being high risk breast cancer and being put on TAMOXIFEN for 5 years he did genetic testing after being made aware of the RCC. Luckily I don't have the genes for BC but he did find a few abnormal genes but at this time they do not know what area to attribute them to.
My husband developed kidney cancer in 2003. Still alive after changing 4 or 5 methods of treatment, usually chemo in pill form. His grandfather suffered from kidney issues without the issues being related to cancer and one of his nephews was born with only one kidney. He also thinks his son should be genetically tested, because at 40 his son suffers with his back a lot. Thanks for the suggestion
I was tested because I have had 2 types of cancer and did not show any tendency for other cancers.