how do u know when to get a second opinion on a diagnosis? also, how can u know that u havent been misdiagnosed?please help....thanku
second opinions: how do u know when to... - ITP Support Assoc...
second opinions
I asked for a second opinion when i found out from others that there was a treatment i had not been offered that could help me. My consultant had tried six different treatments that had not worked. I went to see the new guy,he changed my meds there and then on the day i saw him and since then I have stabilised and got my life back. no one will tell you when is the right time. NickyD
You are asking some very difficult questions. The bone marrow test really tells you that you do not have some sort of bone problem which stops you from making platelets. ITP is then one of the few good explanations for the low count of platelets. An experienced pathologist might notice that the very few platelets that a person has are large for people with ITP. There used to be a test for platelet antibodies but it did not work very well and is no longer avaiiable. In part it is a diagnosis resulting from ruling out other causes of the low platelet counts. I guess it really comes down to how much you trust your doctor. Probably the bigger question is, which treatment is best for you. Some people react better to prednisone, some don't. Is spleenictomy a good idea? then there are the side effects of the newer drugs. Again some work well for some people and not for others. I wish I could give you something more difinitive.
Hi robert.may i ask you.does itp can be a lupus disease too?my daughter 8years old diagnose have a low platelet and often nose bleeding.and 3months later we diagnose her ana test and anti ds dna test are positive.but my daughter dont have any symphtom of lupus.what should i do to make sure lupus or not.anyone had this experience before?please advise
Lupus and ITP are very closely related diseases. They are both autoimmune diseases where the body's immune system attacks the bodies own cells. If the reaction is limited to platelets it is called ITP. If the reaction includes attacks of other tissues then I think it would be more in the lupus category . But this is beyond my knowledge. Sometimes ITP is referred to as the male form of lupus. Lupus in usually found in females. I suppose good news might include that younger people can have these symptoms and grow out of them. After puberty, the effects seem less changeable. I hope this is helpful.
It took doctors 18 months to diagnose me with itp 26yrs ago now they find it easier one doc told me platelets are fresher and 1 1/2 times bigger that's one small indication why do u want another opinion?