Could low estrogen be a cause of ITP ... - ITP Support Assoc...
Could low estrogen be a cause of ITP in post menopausal women? If yes, can they be cured with HRT?
Iv never heard this before. Where does this info come from. Very interested in any new solutions. Im 56 and have never had any symptoms of menopause. So am I lacking in estrogen ?
I would be really interested in where you got this information. I contracted ITP about 8 months ago and have had 2 serious bouts in that time. I also wondered if menopause had anything to do with it. I have had low blood platelets since I started menopause and had no trouble previous to this. I am 54
I am post menopausal -2 years - and just trying to eliminate all possible causes for my ITP. Lot of post menopausal women have ITP . Another cause could be low immunity, I feel. There is certainly some connection between estrogen , low immunity and ITP , one study says that women who were on HRT had high estrogen and their platelet counts wrere also high. So I felt that estrogen could be one reason. Can any doctor help us?