Peroid late 32 days old normal cycle is 28days old fingers week I will do a digital pregnancy test
Cycle late: Peroid late 32 days old... - Infertility Support
Cycle late
Fingers crossed, luv!! My advice to you is to stay positive. Try to eat as healthy as possible. Continue with a bit of exercise. I believe you're young and strong in ''medical eyes''..So you must have lots of positives on your side. I wish you all the very best! Throwing baby dust at you Xx
Well like all the PP said it indeed seems like a good chance that you've happened to conceive. However, I'd still mention not to be overoptimistic till you check on HPT. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a BFP. Do not think that I'm just carried away by the thoughts of odd... please. I'm just acquainted with the feeling that totally engulfs you when you expect and get disappointed with the BFN of the AF showing up its ugly face. If you're always on time and have a 28-day cycle 32 isn't too long a time to be reassured that it's not a delayed cycle. Well unless you've been tracking ovulation using BBT or OPKs you wouldn't know if there's a slight change in hormone as that is sufficient to trigger delayed ovulation further pushing the cycle from it's a usual timeline. I'll insist on a red dye FRER instead of digital as they are still much more effective.