My dad last year was taken critically Ill into M.Keynes hospital, he had his life saved on several occasions thank you to the staff and doctors of M.Keynes critical care team and the john radcliffe team.
It will be a year to date on the 19th May that he was admitted so on the 18th May 2014 myself and my brother Richard are doing a skydive to raise money for M.Keynes critical care department. They helped look after us as a family as well as keeping our dad alive. We would appreciate any donations no matter what the amount. This will help refurbish wards and departments; purchase state of the art medical equipment and fund other items that enhance patient care.
All the money raised funds items that go above and beyond what the NHS provides and they cannot do this without your help. By supporting the Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, you can make a real difference to the lives of thousands of people.
To donate please visit site below.
Many thanks