just had a blood clotting test and it came back as over 70, can depression make your blood clotting worse, i have got to go back next week and have another one done
APS: just had a blood clotting test and... - Hughes Syndrome A...

Hi there.. I think it is probably the other way round, if you are having some sort of flare it would make you feel a bit more down... I am glad you are back next week for another, do tell the nurse or doctor how you are feeling, if you feel extra bad or miserable, they may have some suggestions for you. Also check out your thyroid with them, as often this crops up with APS and if not picked up, this can add another layer of depression. Best wishes to you, let us all know how it goes. Mary F x
My INR is all of the place at the moment so I sympathise. Hoping the test comes back okay, thinking of you
I recenty read that an experimental psychologist discoverd that posture influences production of stress hormones. It may not help much, but try to sit in erect, open postures. It might reduce stress hormones by a tad.
And, don't let medical judgmentalism make you feel guilty about worsening autoimmune issues. The chronic, poorly understood disease causes stress! Not the other way round.
Remember! Autoimmunity causes stress! It is stressful to be living with a poorly understood, difficult to manage illness. Read, exercise, pick up a hobby, volunteer -- make it a discipline to do something you enjoy every day. Every day.
We're all cheering for you!
thank you i hope the level has gone down a bit as it never been this high, i have one doctor thatis very good with my aps but he only works on monday, my hand have become swollen and painfull over the last few weeks so i will find out if my flare up has made them bad
my hands are bad, i know i have trigger finger on one hand bad but i have never had both hands this swollen before, the dr that know about aps was full today but i do have one with him in 3 weeks, so i will have to wait and see him them, as the other drs dont know much abot aps, plus today my little red (blood like )spots have come up more
one dr gave me weak painkillers for my hands, i do have a very good dr that deal with my trigger fingers, but my gp got to write to them, i am away for the weekend so i can relax and rest, it was a shock to find out 3 years ago that i had APS and at the age of 55 i at long last found out why i had lost so many babies, i may ask the nice dr if he can get me to london to see someone that know more about this illness as i have other heath trouble and it would be nice to found out what the other meds are doping to my APS
That is a very good idea.. Show your GP this: guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-... As you GP and local team would find it far easier to help if they had this team on board, or one of them. Explain to him/her that many of us are referred there for that very reason. Mary F x
I was diagnosed with APS because of the severer numbers of clots in legs, arms, and lungs. I was told I would be on warfarin therapy for the rest of my life. I have my own Inr tester. I had a complete hysterectomy including ovaries at age 40 and would like to try the bio identical route of hormones to lead a normal sexual life again. I know Premarin and pre pro are dangerous and bio taken from blood tests reads to be quite safe. Can anyone lend any knowledge?
Barb F