Posts - HIV Partners | HealthUnlocked

HIV Partners

2,328 members757 posts

All posts for November 2015

Long term HIV

I was diagnosed over 10 years ago. I'm on meds and been undetectable for over 8 ...
GordonMF profile image

Waiting on results

Hi everyone .. Am looking for comfort & advice ?
Jozo profile image

Hi everyone

Im new to the group i was diagnosed hiv positive a year ago and started combinat...
Martin profile image
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HIV Blind date -Ladybeard magazine publication

HIV/Hep C Blind Date - Act Up London.


Hi there have been positive for just under a year ,have been struggling,with anx...
Neilh001 profile image

If you haven't yet, please introduce yourself to the community!

Why not leave a short comment below and introduce yourselves. Give as much or as...
SimoneHU profile image

Wasted time with PE

Having been refused pip because of an assessment that contained nothing but lies...

Positively Different Research Project

Hello Everyone, I hope it's ok to post this information here. 'Positively Dif...