Hello everyone, I recently went to the doctors for food poisoning and found out I have typhiod and salmonella. But when I had my blood work done i also found out that I have Hep B. I have red spots all over my body and they seem to be getting darker and spreading. Is this normal ? And if so when can I expect progress?
Just found out I have Hep B and have ... - HFI Connect - Hep...
Just found out I have Hep B and have red spots all over is that normal.

Hi , I was diagnosed with Hep B eight years ago .
The symptoms that led to a diagnosis were extreme fatigue , loss of cognitive function where memory and eyesight were affected , weight loss , and flatulence - kept burping all the time .
When tested my viral count was off the scale . I never suffered a rash . There can be a rash with Hep.B , but from what I've read it is itchy and has white spots .
Have you considered that your rash may be caused by some other condition ?
Hey thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes I’ve looked into other things. The spots started going away and my urine and eyes are back to normal. We’re the symptoms supposed to go away so quickly. And will I ever be able to have sex without condoms again ?
If the symptoms are gone you are recovering - be thankful lol !
Are you receiving any treatment ?
My understanding is that once you clear the infection you are immune and can't pass it on . If the infection is chronic , like mine , you need medication to suppress it .
Once your viral load drops to undetectable you will be unlikely to pass it on to anyone else .To find out your viral status you will need further blood tests .
Hep.B needs to be taken seriously as it does have serious long term health implications .
Thank you so much Griffon.I was given some antibiotics but was then told by another Doctor that what I was taking was not the right mess. You see I was also diagnosed with typhiod due to some food I ate in Mexico City. lol
Anyway I’m here with a new Doctor today and will see what she says. Could you send me the names of the meds you have taken just so that I can mention them to her.
I also read that if the symptoms went away it meant that I was not a carrier and that I would be ok and it meant that it was not chronic. But to be honest I’ve read so much and at this point I’m confused . LoL
I want you to know that I truly appreciate your help. I felt alone without anyone to talk to or ask. You have certainly made this time a lot easier for me. I look forward to hearing from you . Take care !!!!!!
Very happy to help , but of course I'm not a doctor so anything I say is just opinion/experience .
You won't know where you stand until you have a blood test to ascertain your viral count . If you are lucky you will clear the infection by yourself .
Antibiotics are not affective against a virus , so are not correct treatment for Hep.B . My case is complicated by the fact I'm also HIV positive ( think this is why I have not cleared the infection myself ) . The drugs used to treat Hep.B are also some of the same ones used to treat HIV . As I'm on a combination of drugs in not sure which are the treatment for the hepatitis .
Just looked it up and the drug I'm on is Tenofovir - I think is more commonly known as Truvada .
Hey Griffon thanks again and I will keep you in prayer. I was scared that I also had HIV but thank God it has come back negative twice.
One last thought , it has been shown that having a pre existing infection greatly increases the chance of contracting HIV - so be careful in this respect .
April 1st I had possible hiv exposure got tested June 9th with a 4th gen blood test looked it up an said after 2 months with that type of test 99% I should be good you think I should be fine ?
Hi Mike , In general HIV is not that easy to catch . There have been couples where one partner is infected and the other not , who have had unprotected sex for years without the other partner becoming infected . Certain factors increase the chances of transmission such as a pre existing STI and multiple exposures , so a one off exposure and negative test it is highly unlikely you are infected .
I do have hsv-2 herpes. I also received oral sex from a girl June 9th can you catch hiv from receiving a blow job ? I was really drunk an my boys order a hooker not proud to say that lol but you think I’m fine ? Just really worried man I appreciate you tho to take time to help
but I wore a condom When I had sex with the prostitute Just didn’t when I received the blow job You think I coulda got infected from that or no it not possible to that way
Hi Mike , It is next to impossible to catch HIV from a blow job . However it is possible to catch some of the more readily transmitted STI's from oral sex , but I wouldn't worry unless you start to have symptoms of an infection .
I think I might have caught hepatitis b tho from it cause few days after I was having symptoms of feeling really fatigue but then they went away an just recently I started to have dull upper abdominal pain and my stool is slightly off color like light brown but my skin an eyes don’t look that yellow if I do have hep b will I get rid of the virus cause I do have herpes or that declines that chance cause I know if I had hiv I highly likely wouldn’t be able to fight the virus .