Has anyone had a inguinal lymph node swelling during treatment? Can anyone actually advise on this if it’s a common occurrence?
Inguinal lymph nodes swollen on treatmen... - Hepatitis C Trust
Inguinal lymph nodes swollen on treatment with Epclusa. Swollen foot as well.

I took Epclusa 2 years ago, beat it and cured 12 week treatment, first of all alot of people will say no side effects but that is BS. everyone gets some type, i had severe leg cramps, about 40 % of my hair fell out. no sleep . but everyone is different, everyone may get different effects. but what your saying sounds about right, as some people i know on this med had same thing. When you get off me everything will come back as before you started the med, it took a year but my hair grew back, still have leg problems which my doctor told me can take a few years to get back to normal. what i would suggest, get all your vitals checked. blood work up this way your thyroid be low as well as other vitamans. my zinc was low plus other stuff caused by med. got checked again 2 months after treatment and everything went back to normal. This med is no picnic, i advise change you eating fruits and vegetables, drink alot of water 2 hours after you take your pill. I know it's a bitch but you no what i'm alive so i can't complain even tho i do. this is just a side effect it will go away.
Hi I haven’t had any side effects from the Epclusa just the swelling in my groin that seems to be lymph nodes. Yet clinic says they’ve not heard this before and the virus is only in the liver. I’ve read an article that states it infects the lymphatic system? The swelling wasn’t noticeable before I started treatment!
Try not to spend time on internet as you will get all falsehoods, even the people that make the med lie about side effects as everyone does, that will go away trust me, i had all kinds of effects, and some people don't get any , at least thats what they say. when we have a infection in our liver like hep c it does damage to other parts of our body. i came down with neuropothy before i took med where my legs were sore all the time. When i was cured all of that went away and i had that 10 years before i found out i had hep c. so once your cured you will see any minor health issues you had will go away. it's amazing what hep c causes that we aren't aware of. so good luck don't freak out, before you know it this garbage will be over. i have had hep since the 70's didn;t know it until 1997 on a physical i had. Back then the only med they had was interveron which you had to take for a year with a 20% cure rate, i took that garbage 2 months and had a mild stroke. my doctor told me throw the med away in 20 years they will have a cure, well he was right. i been off med now 1 1/2 years ago and still have mild effects. so hang in there