I just thought I’d share my feel good kit for anyone who maybe interested🌈 So a nice hot bath with a few drops of essential oils. I mostly use Ariix as it’s toxin free Calm oil is my favourite it’s good to also dab on your wrist or your feet or a few drops on your pillow to help you sleep not cheap though. You can use any that’s just my personal favourite. Incense gives you a lovely calming mood I like the reiki or chakra ones best.Candles always nice head phones with some meditation music👌Crystals to heal I was only introduced to the blue kynite 2 days ago OMG I highly recommend getting yourself a piece it’s good for Anxiety depression and healing. You hold it in your left hand instant calming feeling of well being🙌I honestly have never felt such a good effect off a crystal before. Will post a link about it in the comments. ❤️and light Cathy x
My feel good kit💪: I just thought I’d... - Hepatitis C Trust
My feel good kit💪

That's lovely mizzkent. I like my crystals and oils too. It's a lovely wee set up you've got goin on. Enjoy yourself and your relaxation music😇😇😇
Thanks sis I told you we have a lot in common we are both into a lot of the same things😊🌈 Yes we have to take responsibility for our selves and find what makes us feel good.Because no one else really cares Almost 16 years living with this hanging over me no support what so ever same with mental health and looks like with treatment too but I’m good I don’t need support.I have everything I need right here😊 Have you got blue kyanite? What’s your fav crystal? Xxx
Hi there.
I like crystals. My favourite at the moment is my green tourmaline.
I’m also using lots of rosemary essential oil. Keeps my brain alert.
Mizzkent. What genotype are you if you don’t mind me asking? X
Hi Thrick lovely to meet you!😊I’ve not yet used green tourmaline or rosemary oil I will be giving those a go thank you🙌
I’m genotype 3a and of course I don’t mind you asking! Feel free to ask away😊x
Thank you. I am genotype 3a. I think I have had this since the early 90’s. I found out last year coz my husband has liver problems. I’m ok at the moment.
I’m looking forward to hearing how you are after 8 weeks treatment.
I’m in Kent and was told my nurse that nhs England have temporary stopped treatment in Kent.
Fingers crossed not for too long.
I live a very healthy organic life now.
Thank you. X
Oh no I hope they start treatment again soon! I have had this since the mid to late 90s. I found out in rehab in 2002.
I know here in Liverpool they can only treat 41 people a month. Hopefully that will change soon when the price of treatment goes down.And it will be made more easily available for everyone who needs it!
I will be doing regular posts of how I’m getting on. And I am always happy to chat if ever you want to talk about anything.
Lots of love and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you🤞xxx
That's great living a good organic life😄do you grow your own veggies n stuff! A few chickens out back n some goats in the garden😂I'd luv that way of life
I have black tourmaline round my neck and lemon quartz ring. I have a few pieces of jewellery, check out gem tv app, they have loads to choose from, sometimes I stick them in my bra🤣🤣weighdown with crystals lol, to b h I havnt really been that creative over the past 2 years just recently starting to think positive. I'm same as you about carrying this virus for years n I've always had to rely on me or the odd hospital stay. Was in AA for a while n I done well there but it just isn't for me maybe that will change once I get energy back. U have a brilliant opportunity with your wee ones😊I'd love to have mine back that age mine are 18/20 now. It's all good sis xxx
Love it Cara 😊 the black tourmaline is what I want next good for protection and to soak up negative energy 💪
Yes I never liked NCA the drug version of AA think that’s what it was called tried a few times wasn’t for me I did it alone.
I also have a son 20 big gap 🤣 Have a fab weekend sis ❤️😘😘😘
Love crystals too. Not heard of kynite- gonna get a piece today and let u know what I think. Taania 🌞xx