Half way mark: Hating every minute of this... - Hepatitis C Trust

Hepatitis C Trust

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Half way mark

6 Replies

Hating every minute of this cuss word treatment, every day a new devilry, but Past the half way mark an hour ago

Onwards and upwards

6 Replies
Sillysausage234 profile image

Good to hear from you keep,plodding along not long to go,any 🦌 photos yet?

Suzi90 profile image

Halfway, that's great! First half is always the worst. It seems the longest time, you'll be through the finishing line before you know it. You can put up with anything now that the finish is in sight. You go!!💪👊🙋🌈🙏xx

I no how you fell it got to a point in my treatment ware I was thinking of stopping as I felt terrible even after treatment it took me around 6 week to start felling like my old self again my skin looks horrible I looked a lot older then I was my hair felt nasty I just felt descusting but now 3 month after treatment I feel grate got loads of creams for my skin and hair n now I back to my normal self i hope your feeling better soon and it will all be worth it in the long run when you get that grate news that your virus has not been detected wish you best of luck and pls keep us informed on how your going and results x

Not just me with the hair then ... that cheered me up

Alan, don't mention those sodding deer ... I've got myself into a right saga going along trying to get a photo. I spotted some horses in a field, dreadfully muddy with no food and no shelter. Photographed em and did an online report to the RSPCA who've got me now spying up there daily. Never a deer tho' never a deer

Sillysausage234 profile image

Oh well, I’m sure in a few weeks when you’ve been to see the hairdresser,youlle be on one of your undercover f.b.i.jobs and the deer will come past😊🙋🏻‍♂️

Cara78 profile image

Your doing amazing, battle on trooper you'll (we) will look back on this eventually and it will have been worth it! Take care xx🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️

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