Despite having the vaccination my husband, who I care for, has caught this flu that is affecting everyone. Normally I can look after him and nurse him through all on my own but not this time ... my son had to do the simplest errands for me, I simply hadn’t the strength to get to the shops.
I think I’ve had the bug myself, but the anti virals I’m taking must have been fighting it as well as the HepC.
Talking of which, I’ve got my first viral load test results ... I just wish I’d been paying more attention and not wanting to go to sleep on the floor at the time. Nurse said my viral load was 2million summat and now it’s 150,000
😮😶🤭😎😉 way to go me
I welled up, not me at all, but the tiredness is making me a cry baby
Then she gave me the punchline
Of course you’ll be on the treatment for 24 weeks