Let’s all share what we do to cope? - Hepatitis C Trust

Hepatitis C Trust

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Let’s all share what we do to cope?

Mizzkent profile image
21 Replies

Good morning beautiful people I hope you are all doing ok? It has just occurred to me there is a few of our hep c all-stars going through treatment. Some have had treatment some like myself just about to start treatment also some newbies welcome!

I just thought it would be a nice idea for us to all share what we all do to help us cope distractions books to read, feel good films meditation etc what ever your thing is might give people new ideas of new things to try. Mine will be in the comments love and light always Cathy x

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Mizzkent profile image
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21 Replies
Mizzkent profile image

So I am really into self-help books and the law of attraction motivational speakers meditation etc. I also love anything creative because that's what am good at I taught myself to sew this year and love it! youtube is my go-to place if I want to learn anything. I also took up 5D diamond painting so therapeutic it's like painting by numbers but with little resin stones. Alli express get them really cheap you can also get your own pictures made.

Essential oils help to relax am all about all natural products too we don't need to add extra toxins to our bodies toxin free personal care products filtered water etc.

I have a long list of good self-help books got quite a selection will put some on here in case anyone's interested A few good books I recommend

Born to win Muriel James, Feel the fear and do it anyway Susan Jeffers, The compound effect Darren Hardy,A new earth,The power of now both by Eckhart Tolle.The 5-second rule by Mel Robbins, Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod. Chicken Soup for the soul Jack Canfield, Truth heals Deborah King, Forgive & Forget Lewis B Smedes. The Chimp Paradox by Dr Steve Peters Amazon Kindle unlimited £7.99 a month read whatever you want. Or there is audible if you prefer to listen audio always sends me to sleep but that's just me. Also often if you go on youtube there is a good chance you may find them there for free :). Motivational speakers Tony Robbins highly recommend he's amazing also Jim Rohan. Then there is Richard Mccann I saw him at an event his mum was murdered by the Yorkshire ripper he has a few books About a boy and I Cann all great motivational speakers.

Also, there is a famous psychiatrist called Victor Frankl he was Jewish and in the concentration camps, the Nazis kept him alive just to calm all the prisoners down as they were being sent to the gas chambers dead interesting and really helped me put things in perspective. As you know there is always someone worse off than you! My friend told me about him last night googled him and now I want to read his books. None of this might not be for you but it has really helped me so I just thought I'd share as I reckon it would be good for a lot of others on here.

Oh yes, I highly recommend writing down your goals whatever you want in life where you want to be a week from now year dream big sky's the limit! Getting it down on paper helps keep you focused I used to think it was all BS until I started doing it even made a vision board. And guess what was on there me being free of Hep c I did this time last year I have already gotten almost everything else I put on there! And the big holiday will soon come. Its time to make a new one. Stick your goals or whatever somewhere you will see it the fridge your bedroom back of the toilet door where ever it will be visible there is also an app for your phone.Affirmations are really good too.

I know sometimes times can be very dark! But I promise it won't last! There is always something to be grateful you are breathing, you woke up this morning, you made it through yesterday, you have food in your belly a roof over your head drinking water electricity. Look outside beautiful flowers birds etc try it am sure you will be able to add more of your own. l will also post some links if I can for some meditation. And please also share yours take care of yourselves much love Cathy x

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Mizzkent

You have a great weekend too and no more swearing😊xx. Thanks

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Sillysausage234

🤐 Thanks Alan x

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Mizzkent

You are naughty sometimes I replied to your post but it said oops the post has gone west 😊take carexxxx

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Sillysausage234

🤣🤣 not sure if I deleted it all in good fun xx

Mizzkent profile image

Feel good and inspirational films In pursuit of Happiness,Forest Gump,The Founder,Megan Levy,life of pie,Pay it forward,Good Will Hunting,Peaceful warrior,The Blind Side. I've also started watching Miranda not really into comedies as I don't find that many funny love Ali G little britain bo selecta all little things that can help lift your mood. x

Mizzkent profile image







Mizzkent profile image


Mizzkent profile image


Sillysausage234 profile image

Hiya Cathy hope your good ,great post wish I had your energy, great to see you so positively minded your doin something right 👍 xx alan

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Sillysausage234

Thanks Alan hope you well? Yes I have been feeling better 😊 xx

Sillysausage234 profile image

Hiya great seeing you so vibrant I’m going to try some of-the meditation stuff out ido like to calm the old brain cells down sorry I can’t reply to your great post with the same energy but don’t be disheartened by the response I think you’ve helped recruit 3 more team members 👍xx

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi Alan I hope your ok mate! Yes the meditation is good last thing of a night first think of a morning👌And you don’t to apologise for anything! you are already a a great inspiration to us all🌈❤️😘

Sillysausage234 profile image

Well, Cathy that’s very nice of you to say I’ve been called a lot of things but never inspirational 😊like yourself we’ve had our troubles and come through them and put them in the past ,hep c is so anti social and difficult to live with alone so we just try and offer some kind words to our friends in need did you see the post someone got a diagnosis and offered treatment the same day by the sounds of it so the treatments are coming🙂we might be able to fill a coach soon for our hep c all stars Christmas 🎉😊 take care you inspire me too xx

Cara78 profile image

Hi I'm new to this site and am starting treatment soon. I feel I have looked after my liver by eating good foods and consuming lots turmeric!, however, I also feel that this battle is drawing to a close as I am too tired to keep fighting this virus on my own, by body is telling me. I want my life back and really enjoy the simple things in life when I'm well. I find painting a great way to de-stress and its a good way to meditate because I'm not really thinking I'm going with the flow. Over these past years I have lost my glow and everything feels like a mission. It's time to get helpers in my body to fight this nasty.

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Cara78

Hi Cara78 I feel you reading how you have been feeling is like reading about myself😘 We are nearly at the end of the road now🙏I would like to take up painting 😊 What treatment are you getting? X

Cara78 profile image
Cara78 in reply to Mizzkent

I'm in UK and it will be an 8 week treatment. Any ideas what that might be called

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Cara78

Yes sounds like mavyret that’s what I’m getting too 😊 there is a couple of people on here going through the treatment right now. They have been doing really well. Have you been given a date to start? I start mine on the 4th I’m in Liverpool 😊x

Sillysausage234 profile image

Hi Cathy I sometimes have my hair cut,or change colour do find it helps😊hope your ok x

Mizzkent profile image
Mizzkent in reply to Sillysausage234

Hi, Alan, I'm fine thanks, I've been feeling a lot better this week almost back to normal I think the antidepressants are kicking in I am hopeful it continues. Yes I fancied the change purple is out of my comfort zone but I actually love it haha. Hows things with you? x

Sillysausage234 profile image

I’m good thanks,am looking forward to a turkey dinner and some after eights,🙂glad you’re in a good place now ,the hair colour is good but do miss the big blue eyes,hope you have a great xmas and you get your treatment out of the way soon xx🎄⭐️🙌

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