I just told with letters I got from the Red Cross that I have Hep C. I have no idea what to do. Is there any treatment out there? Even if is only being tested I am willing to try anything.
Scared to death: I just told with... - Hepatitis C Support
Scared to death

Hi & sorry to hear about your shock, firstly you need to see your doctor and get a test to make sure you have hep c, when we donate blood its screened for all sorts and hep c antibodies are sometimes detected but sometimes that means that at some point a person has been in contact with hep c but not chronic (ie the body has fought the virus off itself)...its known as a false positive and as far as I know they dont check the PCR in donations as its expensive so they dont tell you if the virus is active or not. The good news is that these days hep c is much much easier to treat with the new DAA drugs being more available which have limited side effects and are much easier to take with a very high success rate. Good luck
Hi, if you go to GP they will test for hepc & the viral load and refer you to a hospital for treatment. There is treatment, approx 8/12 weeks. not a long wait. The first appt they will give you info, take bloods & fibroscan and then you're good to go. Then you should start the treatment in month or less. Hepc trust are brilliant too. Best wishes 😍
Another bit of wise advice you're so good at keeping us all informed and in the hep C loop thank you very much
Thank you neighbour, I read alot and educate myself mainly due to lack of information & contact from the care here in the Shire 😀 thing is the med staff don't have the time. Hope you're well today 😍
Today was a good day hope you're well hope your jaw surgery goes well I hope you find a good surgeon and I hope you have and enjoyable evening
Good to hear that 😍 Seeing a maxillofacial specialist next weds. He's top of his field, worth having to wait and pay. Using myrrh at the moment 😊
I dont really know what it is does it go with gold and frankincense how do you use it what does it do ?
Yes that myrrh 😂 Using it for pain in my mouth. It's great antiseptic etc. I had a tincture made up when I had surgery last time. You can take it internally with water. It's good stuff. I do love my herbs & natural remedies.
i can see you enjoy it the herbs and things that is my daughter is in to all the oils and stuff she's quite passionate about it I'll mention myrrh to her when I see her at the weekend she's given me tea tree oil to burn in my room at night she must think I smell lol but yes it is relaxing 4ml of methadone tomorrow not long left now it will all be over in 7 days
Ah nice you have a caring daughter, I have approx 40 oils. I am glad to hear that methodone is coming to an end. I know absolutely zero about it. Must be tough. do it for yourself, & your loving kids & grandchildren. You have so much ability, talent & passion for life. You're too good to let it go. I will spur you on neighbour 😍
Don't worry about it just do some research and get onto the right treatment and keepto the treatment and you will be ok i know how you feel as i was the same but i am coming to the end of my treatment now it's been 3 months yes at times i thought i can't take this but i kept battling on and it's looking like i am cured just keep to a healthy diet and drink plenty of water and I'msure that you will be ok good luck mate remember if I can do it so can you keep your chin up 😇
Fist of all don’t be scared babe I no it might seem the end of the world but it’s not you need to get to your doctors n they will refer you to a hep
C specialist then they will
Find out what type you got and just take things from their pls keep
Me informed take grate care your going to be fine
Seek for right treatment everything will be fine..consult your doctor they will
Advice you the best treatment ..once they advice you the medicine you can get your treatment started .... Affordable medicine are available in india you can take help from them as well or visit hcvmart.com/contact/