I have been referred to the Nottingham NHS hospital for a valve replacement which my cardiologist says I need it within 6 months. I am also considering the Park Hospital- private hospital in Nottingham as I worry that I will waiting for too long in the NHS but I am not sure what the experience of doing this operation in a small hospital will be like. I wonder whether anyone had any experience in the park Hospital or in the Nottingham City Hospital.
Has anyone had heart valve replacement i... - Heart Valve Voice
Has anyone had heart valve replacement in Nottingham

hello i live in nottingham and have stayed in the park . i had my operation 20 years ago last week but then nottingham didnt do heart ops so i went to glenfield in leicester .when my surgon told me 6months i said i am available for a cancellion and got it in 2 months both hospitals are ok but there is the possability it will be done by the sameby the same doctor in the park just cost a lot more money my cardiogist is basedin the city now DR varco i am told he does valves , if you can do it let the hospital now you are available for a cancellation. the thing with the park is you have a room to yourself but when i stayed there for 2 weeks i got the impresion you can sometimes be forgotton i had a mecanical valve which means warfarin but i didnt fancy that one as they said i would have to have a new one in 8 years .I HOPE THIS HELPS best of luck