Hi this might sound silly but does anyone know if there is any funding available for Hearing Aids £4000 is not found in the bottom drawer
Hearing Aids Cost: Hi this might sound silly... - Hearing Link
Hearing Aids Cost

Are you in the UK. If so, they are free on nhs.
You won't get £4000 hearing aids off NHS.
No of course not. Just telling TommyB43 that hearing aids are available free on nhs. I wish I could afford 4K but the nhs ones do a good job and well worth trying before dishing out 4K.
I have just started the trip and fed up of people from day one saying these are the best and that is the best, we can give you this and we can give you that and its all a con.
Three different company's want me to try their products and services, After a little research on what they are selling their profit margin is Huge and the product they sell are bottom line and old last years stock so not on your nelly,
I found a local girl who is fantastic to talk to and deal with I opted for her 4th recommendation which was higher spec and cheaper than all the others to boot .
The reason for the research I have had T since 1982 when i Discharged a weapon inside a tunnel and there you go T since then.
While at the compulsory interview with Uni Credit or something like that. "Never been unemployed in my life" they insisted on a visit with the bunch from hearing something or other, Which i attended nice people by the way. Then Lockdown nothing for 18months then loads of phone calls and emails.
With this lot insisting i went i have assumed there was something out there worth applying for DHS and all that
NHS Nice people but they talk down to you and it takes ages to get sorted with their post code lottery system.
The NHS were great with me. I’m not saying don’t get private one, just saying you could get the nhs ones free, try for a while and then later you would have something to compare. The more expensive ones definitely have some things I would like (Bluetooth etc) but not worth the additional cost for me. For others, it may be. But you would have experience of using aids and would h the hen know what you wanted to add. Good luck ☘️
Thanks Dodie117I also have Obstructive Sleep Aponia And getting a CPAP from the NHS was horrendous for 2 years. I almost died weighting for their politics to sort them selves out.
Please don't get me wrong most of my family are in healthcare Even a Pacemaker surgeon HA Ha Thanks for your thoughts Buddy much appreciated.
I got a pair of NHS ones first for 3 years and then got some expensive private ones. The private ones I have are top of the range but were only £2,800 and VAT free. The private ones are better in noisier situations where you are talking in a crowd, e.g. at the pub or a party if you remember what those are. They have a 3D effect so its easier to zero in on who you want to talk to. But the NHS ones are OK and you can get used to wearing aids, sizes, options, etc. If you do a lot of activities as I do then they are a lot cheaper if you lose one.
In uk as others have said there are free HA and batteries on the NHS, otherwise I doubt there is funding for anything else unless you are young with profound hearing loss??? I have NHS aids + a streamer which I use for TV and connecting to my mobile and iPad. My dad paid for top of the range aids which connect directly with his phone. They probably are better in noisy situations as they have the latest processors. As for me I can’t afford, as you say £4-5,000 every 5 years and I am happy with my NHS aids.