Hi can I ask you ladies,when you had your op,did you lose any sensation,from pubic bone upwards...I was 45 when mine,was done..but I can not feel anything now up to the navel...Is it this normal..PLEASE
No sensation: Hi can I ask you ladies... - Healthy Happy Woman
No sensation
I didn't lose sensation but I bet you're not the only one who has had this happen.
There's a great site called hystersisters.com. Maybe someone can help you or relate to your issue...
Hi, slightly different but I lost sensation around my Cesarean scar but had remedial massage on and around the scar tissue to break up adhesions 18 years later. Was painful at the time but sensation is back to normal now. Because of this I regularly massaged my hysterectomy scars and have never had a problem with them- my op was 2 years ago. Hope you can find something to help you.
hi - i think it is quite normal to have altered sensation around the scar after a major wound like a hysterectomy. My surgeon explained that although they can sew the various layers back together again its not always the case that the cut nerve endings re-attach themselves. Hence I have a strange feeling above and below my scar. It feels like "not quite me" is the best way i can describe it. It has settled down a lot in the 3 years since my op - I'm now 63 so there's also the age factor to consider - [grrrr!] older bodies take more time to heal etc. hope this is reassuring - and I do think that "worse things happen at sea" as they say. Maybe Roo62's suggestion of massage would help in terms of comfort too as the scar can feel quite tight sometimes.
Actually scar not tight as there used previous C-Scar...it's just everything above near were the apron fold was,I know some women hate having the Hysto....but I was relieved even at the age it was done,before the half century....I actually thought the strange sensations was not normal....I was never told what to expect regarding sensations....but I'm glad I'm not on my own and thank you for your response.....