Depression: Hi, im due to have a full... - Healthy Happy Woman

Healthy Happy Woman

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gorgussg profile image
5 Replies

Hi, im due to have a full abdominal hysterectomy in November. ..I am 45 and have two children and wasn't planning on anymore, but im really struggling to come to terms with losing everything!!!

Is this normal? ?:-(

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mitzymoo profile image

Hi Angel

I had same op in june, they found endo cancer tumour and took everything out.

I have struggled all my life with really heavy periods, and been given hrt for few months which helped short term but not for long.

After all the hassle over the years i was so relieved they were going to remove it, i didn't mind what i would have to deal with!!

The reason you feel so low, is because your hormones are all over the place.

Look at it another way no more periods! You have a genuine reason to have mood swings and the hot flushes will come in handy now the colder weather has arrived!!

It is a very scary thing for us women to have to go through, but i look at it as this way we have been put straight into full blown menopause, rather than it happen gradually, i was told you have 1yr of menopause for every 10yrs of periods! I started mine at 8yrs old and am now 45 so i hope this way is quicker!!!

Please don't feel you are alone, i would be honoured to be there for you, if you need to vent!! As long as you can cope with a rebellious nutter! I promise I'll try to cheer you up.

I send this to people who are in need of some comfort and support and you definitely need it.

When angels sense you need them

And angels always do

They come unseen from everywhere

To help and comfort you

They hover close beside you

Till all your cares are gone

Till they can see you're ready

Once again to carry on

Then some of them fly away

And take their gentle touch

To other hearts that need the love

Of angels very much

But one at least stays with you

As your constant friend and guide

For guardian angels never leave you

They are always by your side!

Print it out and put it where you can get most comfort from it!

Take care and angel blessings xx

Kazww profile image
Kazww in reply to mitzymoo

Hi just come across your post did you have any symptoms? How was your cancer found please? Hope you are well now x

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to Kazww

Hi Angel

Sorry to hear about all the pain and suffering you are going through, us women really get the sticky end of the stick!!

I'm really sorry but to give you the info you need it is going to be a long reply, as i don't know if any of it is relivent.

I've always had really heavy painful periods, but my gps just gave me mafemenetic acid tablets and tell me to deal with it!!

10 yrs ago i lost the feeling to the right side of my body after choking on some food, they thought i'd had a stroke but all tests came back normal (if you knew me you'd know that i'm far from it) lol!!

The gp that sent me into hospital with the numbness offered me the marina coil to stop me periods, as she said having to wear child size nappies that only last 2hrs if i was lucky was no way to live and i was grateful to her, i'd had a bad experience when i was younger and refused to go for smears as they always hurt and made me bleed, but i agreed to have one to have the coil fitted.

It all went well no problems, i'll admit i didn't go back for smears after (very bad of me i know and i don't want anyone to read this and do as i did, i know it is dangerous and would never condone it.

I had it for 8 yrs and it was only because i started with bad mood swings, hot sweats and periods again i went back. The nurse that had to do the swobs struggled to get the speculum to line everything up to do the swobs and a nurse i knew well did them, but said it was difficult and she helped fit it.

I had a new one fitted 17th june 2014 and the gp that fitted it wasn't my favourite, but she'd fitted the last one so i went along with it, she also struggled getting it all lined up but i gritted my teeth and just put up with it! It blead heavily constantly and i'd waited a few months as the gp said it'll bleed at 1st takes few months to settle down.

I was given some nethesterone tablets to stop the bleading 1 3 times a day beginning of september and they worked, I had a fall night before xams eve and started to bleed a little, but it stopped after a few days, I kept feeling dizzy if i stood up to quick, and the night after new year i was rushing to the loo and went dizzy and the next thing i knew i was flat on my back with the cats sat each side of my head giving me the what you doing mum look! (I felt such an idiot, being guarded by the cat, but that was nothing to how i felt when i noticed my son walking through the door, having heard the crash as i fell, or should i say the earth quake lol)

I started to bleed again so i put a nursing pad inside the the tena lady pad i wear, (being numb down 1 side i struggle getting to the loo in time, so i have to wear tena lady incontinence pads) to make sure there was plenty of pad to soak up any mess just incase!

I went to bed and unusually i fell straight to sleep and seemed to just pass out, i woke up 6hrs later, i never go through like that at all!! And i felt wet, when i started to move i noticed blood on my night shirt and hauled myself downstairs to our only loo and bathroom.

This bit is really crude i'm sorry but i lost some massive clots into the loo and then got a shower, when i got in to see my gp a few hrs late she said she was referring straight to hospital and put me back on the nethisterone and 300mg ferrous sulphate 1 3 times a day! as she said i wasn't feeling dizzy i was fainting due to being aenemic.

Whilst waiting to go the hospital i'd started getting really bad cramps in my womb that would last about a minute each time and even with heat pad/hot water bottle on my stomach, the only way i could ease the pain was to breath through it, i did tai chi a few years ago and thank god i did! My gp gave some buscapan tablets and they really helped.

I got to hospital beginning of feb, the guy i saw was the registrar and he struggled for 20 mins (no word of a lie) and he not only struggled to line everything up, he couldn't find the coil!, i had to have scan to find it, the normal 1 you have when you are pregnant didn't show it, so i had to have the probe inside and that didn't show it, but the nurse said she could see lots of fibroids and said i could well be looking at needing to have a hysterectomy! I said good i've needed 1 for years!!

The nurse asked if i wanted an xray just to cover all the bases, rather than have to go back to the surgeon and be sent back to them i could get it done now save time. It turned out the coil must have come out with all the clots in jan!!

In beginning of may the surgeon said he wanted to put the camera in and make sure it was ok, when he did the whole of the inside was full of what looked to me like fish scales all around the walls and he was struggling to move this white cobweb stuff out of the way to move the camera around it was all the way through my tubes and round my ovaries as well. I don't know what it was as my surgeon wasn't very nice and every time i asked a question i was asked to be quiet as he needed to concentrate!!

At this point i'm still on the nethisterone and buscapan. A few weeks lter i went back for the results and he said i needed a d&c to clear out all the popups especially 1 that was quite large and he was going to fit a marina coil! My gp had told me in jan that there is a new procedure now that they use and as she put it, they put a probe in and heat your insides and it microwaves the lining stopping you having periods ever again!! I mentioned it to him and he said i couldn't have it as my womb was too big, so i had to have the coil, i had the op few weeks later and had to go back for the results 2 weeks later.

When i went back i was given the news that i'd expected! The larger puluyp was cancer, it was stage 1 endometrial cancer and i had to have a fully abdominal hysterectomy including both ovaries, i had the op 19th june 2015, 2 days after my kids birthdays 23yr old twins boy and girl!! and a year and 2 days after had 1st coil replaced!!

After my op I was only in hospital 2days and i went back 2 wks later for results and it was all contained in the womb so no need for any follow up treatment, but the real horrible down side of endo cancer!!! You can't have hrt!! My surgeon said it increases chance of breast cancer!!! As if we haven't had enough , so i had to find plant based estrogen to supplement my diet to ease the menopause side effects.

It helps but be prepared for lots of tears and mood swings, and the best advice i can give anyone who has survived to read this far!! go to dumelm and buy yourself a pack of temperature regulating pillows and some cotton bedding!! I haven't had 1 hot sweat or headache in the night since investing in them!!

I hope i haven't terrified or bored anyone to death!! If just ! thing helps someone get diagnosed early enough to make a difference to their lives then i have done something good and it means there is one more special angel still walking among us!!

Take care Angel, gentle hugs and angel blessings to you all XXX

gorgussg profile image

Thank you so much mitzymoo, I have a history of breast cancer In my family so hrt scares me!!! I had a cancer scare also but mt gyno seems confident thst its not so sure! !! Finding it difficult to findc positive! :'( not sleeping which is not helping. .

mitzymoo profile image
mitzymoo in reply to gorgussg

Hi Angel

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and i'll ask the angels to watch over you

Keep in touch take care gentle hugs and angel blessing XXX

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